
Chapter Ten: Revolution of the Dying Kingdom

The hospital ward was deafly silent, beside the haunting hollow pumping of Tatanga’s iron lung. IVs fed life giving oxygen into his space suit, as he laid tucked in beneath the hospital covers. The star man scowled because he was unhappy about being in a coma. He was surrounded by family and friends from all blocks of life who looked on in concern.

Doctor the Angry Sun came forward solemnly, “Three months ago, our beloved Tatanga fell into a deep comatose state from which we did not know that he would recover. Today,” Doctor paused and slowly took off his stethoscope, “He is still in a coma.”

“No!” MisStar wailed in despair and exploded into tears, “Tatanga! Honey! Please, please come back to us!”

Tenderly, she held his exhaust port and pleaded ever more desperately for him to wake up. But Tatanga just wouldn’t wake up.

Croco looked away bitterly, “That fool. He doesn’t know how badly we need him. He should be awake and not in a coma. That’s pretty dumb.”

MisStar glared angrily at Croco, “Don’t talk about my fiance that way!” She shoved Croco violently and knocked off his Top Hat.

“OW!” Croco Snarled and jumped, “Don’t mess with me! It’ll make me REALLY angry!”

MisStar threw a chair at Croco and kicked him in the face. Doctor the angry sun was upset at the fighting.

“CALM DOWN CROCO!” Doctor the Angry Sun shouted furiously, “Our situation is much too desperate, we can’t afford to fight each other. The Prophecy is already at work and we are running short on time.”

“I’m sorry,” said Croco, ashamed. He looked out the window. “I’m just upset. I really miss my best friend. Tatanga, who is in a coma.”

“Yeah. I know.”

“What are we going to do?!” Croco cried, “Without Tatanga, how are we going to stop the Nightmare Fortress from advancing? Some chosen one, if he can’t keep the machines from breaching the city walls!”

“…There may be one way we can revive him,” Doctor the Angry Sun said thoughtfully, and dramatically took off his stethoscope.

“What?” MisStar asked.

“I said ‘There may be a way we can revive him’,”

“No, I mean, what can we do?”


“I said ‘What can we do?'”


Doctor the Angry Sun considered this thoughtfully.

“Legend says that there is a magic herb that grows in The Special Zone that can cure any illness. If we could get that herb, it might just wake up Tatanga, since being in a coma is a kind of illness.”

Croco’s eyes lit up, “Then I’ll go and get it! I will do anything to save my best friend, and he will save us all!”

“But I must warn you! It is dangerous. No one who has gone looking for the herb has ever returned. That is pretty dangerous”

“Whoa!” Croco said, “I better not go then.”

Doctor the angry sun looked sad, “Then all is lost.”


Silently, they looked on at their dear friend Tatanga. All of their hopes and dreams rided on him. They hoped he would wake up some time. They waited for like a half an hour, and he didn’t wake up. It was REALLY boring and MisStar cried a lot.

“Come on,” said Doctor the Angry Sun said as he comforted MisStar, “There is cake in the lobby.”

Solemnly, everyone proceeded out of the room to go get some cake. It was chocolate flavored. Dark chocolate. Dark as their lives without Tatanga.

As soon as everyone had cleared out, a figure stepped out from behind the curtains. Tolstar grinned wickedly as he crept closer and closer and EVEN CLOSER towards the helpless and vulnerable and in a coma Tatanga.

Delicately, Tolstar reached inside of his shell and pulled out a syringe that was filled with inky black DARKNESS. Licking his lips evily, he went to puncture Tatanga’s IV with the needle, but before he could inject the contents, the syringe was knocked out his hands by a chi blast from Croco!

“You!” Gasped Tolstar, “But you went to go get cake!”

“I always like to eat cake,” Croco gritted his teeth, “But not when there is EVIL hiding behind the curtians.”

Tolstar’s eyes widened. “How did you know I was hiding behind the curtains?”

“You are very bad at hiding behind curtians because you are fat,” Croco explianed.

“Well, I may be fat, but at least I am not,” Tolstar suddenly revealed his dual shotguns, “DEAD.”

Tolstar shot his shotguns eighteen times at Croco, but he ducked and was not hit. He countered with his karate and all of Tolstar’s ribs and also his guns and a leg.

“Very impressive. The Master taught you well. It is a good thing that he is now… one of us.”

“SHUT UP AND STOP TALKING!” Croco shouted angrily, “If you lay a hand on Tatanga, I will get really angry!”

“Croco,” Tolstar wheezed in pain, “I know your secret. The Darkness told me.”


“I know you are in love with MisStar. But she will never marry you because you are not Tatanga and she loves Tatanga who she is going to marry.”

“Tantanga is my best friend!”

“Then he should want you to be happy and marry MisStar!”

Croco hesitated, he knew he should not listen to Tolstar because he was a bad guy, but he wanted to.

“Let me destroy Tantanga, and the Prophecy can take its true form once and for all. You can be with MisStar, and everyone will be happy in The Darkness.”

Croco could feel the darkness. But he looked at tantanga, his best friend. He fought with himself, and wondered what to do.

At last he made his decision. He pulled out twenty grenades and threw them all at Tolstar!

“No!” Tolstar screamed and exploded in a big way.

The door slammed open, and in rushed Doctor the Angry Sun, “What just happened?!”

“Never mind,” Croco said urgently, “We have to get to the Infernal Tower!”


“Man, today hasn’t been very eventful, has it?”  Koops said.

Then a space train burst through the window of his bounty hunter office, sending him into one of the cabins.  Koops grabbed out his Japanese katana sword.

“Who dares challenge Koops the Bounty Hunter?!”  Koops roared as he tore out Bonetail’s eyes.  He then electro-shocked Bonetail’s dead body, and fired three laser harpoons into the floor. 


Popping out from the engine room stormed a familiar face.  Koops’ eyes narrowed recklessly.  He hadn’t seen such an unwelcome face since Sluggy the Unshaven had eloped with Toadette.  He spit out his golden cigarette and lit another one.

“Stanley the Bugman,” Koops spat.

“That would BEE me!  HEEHEEHEE!” 

“Yes, yes, I know that.”

“You’d better PRAY like a MANTIS!”  Stanley shrieked as he pulled out six cutlasses.  “Because you ANT escapin’ me!”

Koops felt his heart beat frantically.  Stanley was a ruthless killer, and there was no way he could win or WAS THERE?

Stanley threw the cutlasses at Koops, but they didn’t go very far because they were very heavy.  Koops tripped and fell on eight of them.


“There ain’t no gettin’ off this space train we’re on,” Another voice said.  Koops looked up to see Oaklie.  Oaklie was holding his scythe gun that could shoot fire.  He lowered his face so Koops could hear.  “Wanna hear something cooool?”

“If it’s about the Prophecy,” Koops growled.  “I don’t wanna hear nothing.”

“That was a double negative.”


“Turns out,” Oaklie whispered, because he didn’t want to disturb Skolar’s nap in the next cabin.  “Organization Enigma discovered that the Elemental Whip of Time isn’t part of the Prophecy at all.”


“But Organization Seventeen still doesn’t know the Dark Sonata, so there’s no way for them to activate Dark Chaos Space.”

“NOOO!!   NO!  NO!  NO!!!”

“And the Order of the Crying Fire Flower?  They have eighty-nine of the Dark Artifacts,” said Oaklie.

“NOO-oh, really?”



“ENOUGH TALK!”  Stanley howled as he pulled out his quadruple-barrel pump shotgun with needles taped to the side.  “It’s time to kick your GRASS…HOPPER?”

“Wait, Stanley!”  Oaklie warned.  “We still haven’t told him about Lady Lima-“

Stanley shot Oaklie in the face and poked him a few times with a needle.  He then threw him out the window of the space train into space.  As Belome had predicted.

“Why did this have to happen?”  Koops sobbed because Oaklie was his father.  “Where did you go wrong, Stanley?”


Stanley backhanded Koops and sent him flying back through sixteen cabins.  He then had to jog for a bit over there because sixteen cabins is a really long ways away from the front of the space train.

“It’s time to die,” Stanley gasped.  He had run seriously like a mile.

“Would you really kill me?”  Koops whimpered.  “After what we went through in Sarasaland?”


“Wait…what?  That didn’t make any sense.”

Stanley paused.  “Well, I thought beetle and better sounded similar enough, but that didn’t turn out so good.  I did like my ‘pray like a mantis’ line earlier.”

“Yeah, I chuckled a little at that one.”

Both Koops and Stanley chuckled for a few seconds until Stanley viciously kicked Koops in the eye. 


Stanley grabbed his beam sword tightly and was about to perform the finishing blow when he was stopped by the sight of something so powerful that it stopped him right in his tracks.  In Koops’ eyes, he could see the spirit of Oaklie, telling him to stop fighting.  Slowly, he remembered the precious moments that he and Oaklie had shared together…

Oaklie was holding his scythe gun that could shoot fire. 

“And the Order of the Crying Fire Flower?  They have eighty-nine of the Dark Artifacts,” said Oaklie.

“Wait, Stanley!”  Oaklie warned.  “We still haven’t told him about Lady Lima-”

How could he have forgotten?  Oaklie had been such a good friend.  With tears gushing from his eyes, Stanley put down his nunchaku and


Koops socked Stanley in the teeth with silver knuckles and blew up the space train.  The force of the explosion was so powerful it could not be measured on the power scales.

This woke up Skolar, and he was really pissed. 


“GET OFF OF THE TRAIN!” shouted Blue Goomba.

“…no,” said Bow because she didn’t think leaving the train was something she should do.

“Seriously?” asked Blue Goomba.

“Yeah,” Bow replied.

Blue Goomba turned red with embarrassment. He didn’t realize that Bow didn’t want to leave the train, and this fact alone was a huge damper in Organization Enigma’s plans. He knew he had to find another way.

“What are you DOING?” he asked.

“I’m going to College!” Bow replied proudly, showing off her impressive transcript.

Blue Goomba thought this over for a moment, and tried to think of a witty response to this.  “You’re not going to College!”

“Please get out of my cabin,” she said.

Blue Goomba left, quite frustrated that he’d failed like this for like the fourth time in a row.  He wasn’t very good at this at all!

“AZUL WEASEL!” roared a voice from the other end of the hall.

Blue Goomba looked over and saw Goombaria.  She looked really upset with him.

“I’ve gotten half of the passengers to leave the train!” she said.  “Have you also gotten half of the passengers off the train!?”

Blue Goomba bit his lip and looked aside.  “I… I’ve been doing pretty good…” He was lying because he actually did really bad. He didn’t mention that though.

“I hope you haven’t failed us again, Azul Weasel,” Goombaria said, stepping forward.  “I hope you haven’t forgotten what happened last time you failed us…”

How could he forget?  The last time he failed Organization Enigma, he caused the horrible accident at Tubular.  The one that took Cloud N. Candy’s life… “That was different!” he said, fighting back tears.  “That wasn’t my fault!”

“YOU thought you could control the Echo Sphere!” Goombaria said, coming uncomfortably close to the goomba.  “You didn’t listen to us! You tried to go against the prophecy!”

“SHUT UP! STOP!” he yelled, fighting back all the horrible memories.  “IT… IT WASN’T ME! I’M INNOCENT!”

The train then went through a tunnel and it was dark and they couldn’t see because it was dark.  The goombas held their breath and made wishes, but Goombaria ran out of breath so her wish didn’t come true.  When they reached the end of the tunnel, Blue Goomba resumed his madness.





“AAAARGH!! Youch!” Blue Goomba’s stare went blank and he fell to the ground, knocking over a service table in the process. It was a huge mess that Goombaria wasn’t looking forward to cleaning up.

“Did Blue Goomba just die of a heart attack?” General Guy asked, entering the hallway and clutching the Danger Trident in his hands.


“Oh wow, that kind of sucks,” he said, kicking Blue’s lifeless body.  “Anyway, I think we’re ready to carry out this plan. Is everyone in place?”

“Yes…” Goombaria said, grinning a sinister grin.  “This is the moment we’ve all been waiting for… This is going to change everything!”

There was a slight bump as the train hit Chef Torte and killed him upon impact.

“Let’s do this then!” General Guy shouted as he was running towards the engine room. “There’s no getting off this train we’re on!”

On top of the train, Mouser stood in front of Morton Koopa Jr. and was patiently waiting for the signal from his fellow squad members.

“I will stop you right now!” Morton yelled.

“You probably won’t,” said Mouser, “because you’re tied up and I shot you in the leg earlier and also you’re blindfolded!”

“Ouch!” Morton yelled because his leg hurt.  “You’ll never get away with this! Yakkey will never allow this!”

“On the contrary, my dear friend,” Mouser chuckled, waving his golden hook in Morton’s face, even though Morton didn’t notice because he was blindfolded.  “Yakkey will always allow this!” Morton gasped at the realization.

“Hey, Mouser!” yelled Goombaria from below.

          “Yeah?” Mouser replied.

“It’s time to commence Project G.E.N. Esis!” Goombaria shouted.

“What? Sorry, I wasn’t paying attention.”

“It’s time to commence Project G.E.N. Esis!” she repeated.

“Okay,” Mouser said.  “Well then, Mr. Morton, this is where you get off.”  With that said, Mouser leapt into the air and roundhouse-kicked Morton in the face seventeen times. This caused him to fall off of the train.  His scream filled the air and a fiery explosion followed shortly after.  Mouser didn’t have to cover his eyes because he wears sunglasses even when it’s night time.

General Guy looked back at the brightness of the explosion, grinning madly.  What the rest of Organization Enigma didn’t realize was that he was actually part of Organization Seventeen and was also going to betray them because they are fierce enemies.  Wickedly, he pushed four buttons and pulled nineteen levers… They were now on a one way ticket to Waluigi Pinball.


Baby Luigi shoved the barrel of his uzi roughly under the chin of the bank teller and back handed him across the face. He gestured angrily toward the bank vault.

“Do what he says,” Major Burrows snarled, waving his flame thrower, “He’s CRAZY,”

“I…” The bankteller was sweating bullets as Baby Luigi glared murderously, “No! We mustn’t! The vault must only be opened once every thousand years! The Prophecy MUST BE FULFILLED!”

“OPEN THE VAULT!” Francis demanded.


The bank vault groaned open on its hinges, and a million killer bees shot out.

“NO!” Major Burrows screamed, “KILLER BEES!”


“I, can’t!” Major Burrows panted, “I’m too scared!”

Francis put his hand on Major Burrows shoulder, “You can do it, because I believe in you, and that’s what believing in you is really all about.”

Major Burrows sniffled, and saw Baby Luigi giving a thumbs up. He found the courage deep within himself to fight the killer bees.

“ARAHHGAGAHAGH!!!” he bellowed, and threw a chair at the bees and then they went away.


“We did it! We broke into the vault! That is TOTALLY hiiiiiiiiiii-technical!!”

“You mustn’t take the Adam Encryption!!” The Bank Teller said.

“We must! Or the Order of the Crying Fire Flower will find it, and then ALL WILL BE LOST.”

“Oh. Okay.”

Suddenly, all of the police showed up with guns. So Francis, Baby Luigi and Major Burrows got on their get-away train and sped out of the bank.

The Excess Express was barreling down the tracks at a hundred and eighty seven thousand miles an hour. Francis knew this was pretty fast, almost too fast.

“IT’S A TRAP!” he screamed in time for the others to take cover.  Machineguns fired from the shadows and shot three hundred and eight bullets into Major Burrow before he managed to duck behind a box.

“NO! MAJOR BURROWS!” Shrieked everybody, but it was too late. Major Burrows fell down and died a whole lot. Baby Luigi out from behind the cover, sobbing uncontrollably he cradled the gentle giant in his arms.

“No!” The train engineer gasped, “You… You can’t die here! YOU CAN’T DIE NOW!! We were so close to decrypting the Chaos Mainframe!”

Francis looked on gravely, “This is totally not HIIIIII-TECHNICAL at ALL. Who could’ve done this?”

Agent Smithoshi stepped out of the darkness. Everyone was really scared because he had a gun.

“I’ve come for the Adam Encryption.”


Baby Luigi and Francis snapped into action, after years of training together they had perfected their cooperation was at its zenith. Using his Ninjitsu, Francis made copies of himself just like Naruto and then punched Agent Smithoshi eight times, and Baby Luigi fired all of his bullets all at once.

They tumbled behind a crate together, Baby Luigi reloaded his gun really fast.

“If we die, I just want you to know that you are my best friend forever.”

They clasped hands, and did their secret handshake, and then leapt out over the crate. Baby Luigi let loose with his twin uzis while Francis gathered his Chi energy and fired it in a laser beam. The bullets and chi bounced off of Smithoshi’s personal forcefield.

Slowly, Agent Smithoshi pulled out a remote control with a big red button, “Game over,” he pushed it.

The train exploded and killed everyone. Agent Smithoshi stood amongst the rubble and slowly picked up the Adam Encryption.

It was not too late for The Prophecy to be stopped. 


Chapter Eleven: Final Eclipse of the Seventh Moon

“Ha ha!” Mail Toad laughed as he threw the frisbie to O’Chunks.

“Ha ha!!” O’chunks bellowed, and threw the frisbie back. Craw-Daddy looked on with contentment. They were having so much fun. It was another beautiful, wonderful day in Gritzy desert until Kooper showed up and skewered Mail Toad through the face with his Vortex Scythe.

“AHHHHH!” said Mail Toad as he died, “AHHHH!!!”

“LEAPIN’ LINGUINI!” Bellowed Craw-Daddy in surprise.

“MAIL-TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAADD!” O’chunks was sobbed, because Mail Toad was his best friend and he was really sad about that.

Craw-Daddy gritted his teeth angrily, and pulled out his gundamium tomahawk, “Kooper! This is the last straw! What the crap is your problem you fat dumb punk?!”

We watch a FMV of Kooper sneering, and bending down to pick the frisbie out of Mail Toad’s kidney.

“Just as The Prophecy foretells the opening of the chaos door, you must confront the destiny that is in front fo you so that you can find your fate.”

“Yeah I KNOW!” Craw-Daddy said irritably.

Kooper’s Nightmare colored eyes glinted, and he cut the ignition of his Chaos Scythe. The music got really intense as he stood there glaring silently.

“PLAY BALL!” reeling back his arm he flung the frisbie so hard it spun at mach 7 speed and sliced O’Chunks in half in slow motion really fast.

“Grahhh!” O’Chunks protested, “GRAAAAAAHHH!” and exploded into blood and evil lightning. The frisbie continued to spin forward and destroyed a mountain 90000 miles away.

Kooper caught the frisbie again and held it to O’Chunks neck.

“If you want your friend to live, you will go to the Flopside pit of 1,000 trials, and there you will kill The Chosen One in accordance with The Prophecy.”


Craw-Daddy looked really sad at O’Chunks, and shed two single tears for him because he knew what he had to do.


Kooper frowned, “Okay what?”

“I said okay.”

“What does that mean?”

The FMV ends here.


“Are you going to go do it?”

“No! He just told me not to, are you dumb! He said don’t!”

“Oh,” Kooper killed O’Chunks in an extremely violent manner.

“O’CHUNKS!” cried Craw-daddy really loudly as he cried. It was really, really sad because they were best friends.

Kooper punched Craw-daddy in the face and broke his eye, “JUST GO TO FLOPSIDE!!”

Craw-daddy rubbed his eye in pain, starting to get scared.


“Okay! Fine! Whatever! Geez!”

Kooper followed Craw-Daddy to the car to make sure he would go to the tournament, and got into the passenger seat and they both buckled up. Kooper glared at him and made sure he was driving to Flopside the whole way and not to Bean Bean Valley.

Craw-Daddy knew he had to escape. But he couldn’t because Kooper was making it really hard. Flopside was the most dangerous place he could possibly go and Kraw-Daddy knew his power level wasn’t strong enough without the Galaxy Driver. But unless he survived, the entire Floro-Sapien race would be killed.

Once again, he was powerless without the Galaxy Driver. Somewhere, Belome was laughing.


Now Goompa and his fellows have found “the Land of the Chosen Ones” which is so beautiful.  UNTIL LAKILESTER CAME.


Lakilester was a werewolf.  He howled and ran down the hill at super speed, and then ran back up because Goompa and his fellows were on top of the hill.  He showed his fangs because he was a werewolf and howled again.

“HAND OVER THE ETERNITY SCALES, GOOMPA!”  Lakilester shrieked, spit dripping from his mouth onto his really nice shirt.  Goompa sneered and pulled out his grenade-sword.

“Do you really want to do this?”  Goompa asked as he took the grenade off the sword and tossed it to the side.  “I have a grenade-sword, you know.”

Lakilester knew the fearsome power behind the grenade-sword.  After all, Chanterelle had taught him all about its power.  But Chanterelle was dead.  There was no bringing her back from being dead.  For real, this time.

“This is for Chanterelle,” Lakilester growled, fighting back tears.  “She was so hot.  AND YOU KILLED HER!  SHE HAD MAGNIFICENT BREASTS AND EYES LIKE ICE CREAM!  HOW COULD YOU KILL HER?!”

“I…I didn’t.”

“AND GOOMBA KING!”  Lakilester screamed.  “YOU KILLED HIM TOO!”

“Actually, I’m, uh, I’m still alive!”  Goomba King piped up from behind Goompa.



“But now I’m back, Goompa,” Lakilester snarled.  The werewolf rage was inside him and it cut into his heart like the pain of eternal sorrow.  “And this time, I’m unleashed.  Lakilester unleashed.”

“Really now?”



Lakilester began to transform as he continued speaking.  “This is what I received for fulfilling the Dark Contract with the Dark Brotherhood with the Dark Fountain Pen.  Werewolf powers.  That’s what I received.”

“The Dark Fountain Pen?” Goompa gasped.  He twirled his sword around and accidentally stabbed Goomba King in both eyes, but it was okay because now he could wear two very cool eye-patches.  “I’ve only heard of it once before…in the Prophecy.”

“Don’t you DARE say Chanterelle’s name!”

“Um…wait, what?”

This was the last straw.  Lakilester breathed his werewolf laser breath and began carving up Goompa’s fellows.  Goompa groaned and punched Lakilester in the face.

“CHANTERELLE!”  Lakilester screamed as he tripped and fell on flaming lightning spikes.  “I’M SORRY I COULDN’T AVENGE YOU!!!”

“Will you SHUT UP about Chanterelle!  I don’t even know who that IS!”

Lakilester gritted his teeth really hard and accidentally bit his lip.  “OW!”  He said.  But he managed to withstand the agony and looked up with werewolf fury.  In front of him was the one who had taken his love who was Chanterelle.  This was serious business.

“LAKILESTER UNLEASHED!”  He shrieked as he got up and fell on some more spikes.  All of his body parts were stabbed by spikes.  Goompa merely rolled his eyes and began to walk away.





Lakilester gathered all of his remaining werewolf strength.  Now it was really time for Lakilester unleashed.  He had to win for Chanterelle, Goomba King, and the glory of the Chaos Door.  He prepared all of his spirit energy for the greatest werewolf laser breath attack he could manage.  THIS WOULD BE HIS FINAL ATTACK

Mouser shot Lakilester in the head and killed him.  He then turned and shot Goomba King, severely wounding him.  Then he turned to Goompa.

“Hey, Goompa!”          

“Hello, Mouser!”

Mouser gave Goompa a hearty one-handed pistol wink and walked down the road.  Goompa waved heartily while Goomba King writhed blindly in a pool of his own blood.

But where was Jimmy T?     


“ORDER! ORDER IN THE COURT!” shouted Dr. Crygor, banging his gavel to silence the noisy courtroom.  Naval Piranha wouldn’t shut up even though he did that, but he continued anyway. “The man before us stands accused of murder in the first degree of Smithy.  Defense, how do you plead?”   

18-Volt looked dead into the cryptic face of the twisted judge.  He knew Crygor would do everything in his power to get him imprisoned, but he didn’t want that to happen because prison is not a cool place to be.  “Not guilty, your honor.”

“What?” said Crygor.

“Not guilty,” said 18-Volt.

“Oh, whatever,” Crygor said.  “Prosecution, your opening statement?”

Hermie III rose from his bench and stood before the jury.  “Ladies and gentlemen, before you stands a guilty man.  We have so much proof against him, it’s not even funny.  In his anger and confusion, he murdered a poor and innocent bad guy, and it’s up to you to make sure he pays the full price for it.  Thank you,” he shuffled over to his bench. He’s a hermit crab.

“This isn’t looking good!” 18-Volt said nervously.

“Don’t worry,” Hoot the Owl said reassuringly.  “I believe in you, and you should believe in yourself.  Unless you did it, which you probably did because they have a bunch of evidence.  But I believe in you anyway,”

“Defense, your opening statement?” Crygor demanded.

“Of course, your honor,” Hoot snickered, standing up.  “Ladies and gentlemen, 18-Volt didn’t kill anyone.  Why would he do that? That’s stupid.”

Chatter erupted from the jury.  They seemed to agree with him.

“Order! Order!” Crygor said.  He fired a laser at Donkey Kong, which killed him instantly.  The court fell silent once again.  “I’ve gone over this case thoroughly, and I think I’m ready to make my verdict already… unless the defense feels they have a solid case.”

“Oh… er…” Hoot muttered nervously.  He turned to 18-Volt for an answer.

“Yes!” he said, angrily.

“Your honor,” Hoot began.  “This is impossible!  I… I’m not ready! I was never ready for this!” He began crying.

“Defense, compose yourself!” Crygor shouted at 18-Volt.

“I have to confess… The Seventeen Trials of Delfino… I cheated on every one of them! I’m not ready to be a lawyer!” Hoot flew hastily into a glass pane window and smashed through it, flying to freedom.

“…” said 18-Volt.

“Well, I guess that settles it,” chuckled Crygor, looking up at the window.  “The defense has failed to present a proper argument, so I’ll have to declare the verdict…”


Everyone in the audience gasped and looked towards the source of the outcry.  It was 18-Volt, pointing at Crygor, his face radiating with rage and anger.

“What the hell?” Crygor said.  “You’re not a lawyer, you can’t object.”

Everyone laughed at 18-Volt because he wasn’t a lawyer and couldn’t object.  He was so embarrassed that he turned red.

“Then I declare the defense… GUILTY!” shouted Crygor.

“STOP THE TRIAL!” Frogfucious roared, plowing through the wall on a motorcycle and wielding the Burning Crossbow.  “TAKE THIS, YOU TRAITOR!” he shouted, firing eighty nine bolts randomly into the audience.  Eighteen people were struck by bolts and died, four people died from the flames that ensued after the shots, and seven people weren’t near any of it but died anyway.

“Argh!” said Crygor, jumping into his escape pirate ship and taking Hermie III with him.  “You won’t be so lucky next time! We have the prophecy on our side!”

“I KNOW!!!” Frogfucious said, shooting the Hammer Bros in the face and killing them execution-style.

“Here! Take this!” Crygor laughed, throwing a piece of paper at Frogfucious.  It hit him in the face and he fell down.

“What is it?” Boshi said, walking up to Frogfucious.

“It’s a piece of the map…” he growled. “Belome is watching us…”




Princess Peach Toadstool and Chaos Valentina sky rocketed at each other with light speed, both with their bloody broadswords drawn for battle. They collide and –

Okay. Maybe I started too soon. Allow me to explain:

You see this is a sentence. In a paragraph. In a story, categorized as a fanfiction. Fan fiction being fictional stories written by fans of a particular series. This one happens to be specializing in the fandom of a video game series, namely, Super Mario Bros.

Super Mario Bros was created in 1985 by the Nintendo corporation. Previously, Mario had starred in a video game called Donkey Kong. This was a primitive form of the popular ‘platforming’ style of video games. In this game, Mario became the star with his brother Luigi as they tried to kill turtles. That might have actually been Mario Bros. But then they went on to Super Mario Bros, where the two became super heroes fighting against the forces of evil.

The series went on to fame and fortune. It became so popular, in fact, that fans of the games made their own stories called fan fiction. And now we’ve covered that.

Back to our story, Princess Toadstool and Chaos Valentina COLLIDE in an explosive frenzy of violence! Their swords swung and slashed off important pieces of skin.

“Ugh you witch!” Toadstool screamed, her cheek bleeding.

Chaos Valentina giggled between her teeth. “Please, you should see how many knives to the face I’ve taken. It takes pain to look this so beautiful.”

Princess Toadstool through her sword at Chaos Valentina; it cut the strap of her elegant gown ever slightly to tantalize the eye but keep the censors at bay.

The THREE LITTLE PIGS watched anxiously. “WOO, cat fight!”

Chaos Valentina shoots a bolt of lightning with her magic at Princess Toadstool. Peach deflects it with her humble servant Toad. Toad absorbs the blasts and explodes into spores with the sound that a squeak toy makes.

Wooster shook his head disapprovingly, and mopped the floor amidst the battlefield. “Can’t you guys just get along?”

“No! Don’t you see? She works for the armies of chaos!” Chaos Valentina screeches.

“You liar! There is no armies of chaos!” Princess yells.

“Is that so?” Chaos Valentina eyed the Princess up and down. She floats into the air and pulls out a toy: it’s the GENO FIGURINE. “THEN WHAT IS THIS?!”

Peach swallows hard. Her eyes turn to Wooster and the three little pigs. “What, that’s just a Geno doll.”

“WRONG YOU IGNORANT SLUT!” Chaos Valentina throws the doll at Peach. “It’s a CHAOS GENO DOLL!”

The three little pigs run away. Wooster follows them trying to keep the castle clean. They are very messy pigs.

“Please, stop! What do you want from me?” Princess Toadstool cried.

“I want you to die.”

Chaos Valentina floats down and points her longest finger at Peach. A burst of air shoots out and tears off Peach’s dress and then her skin.

But Peach didn’t die… because underneath her skin and clothes we see that she was wearing a disguise because she was really—

“CHAOS PRINCESS TOADSTOOL!” Chaos Valentina proclaims.

Chaos Peach looks exactly the same as the regular Peach but wears her hair in a part to make her hair look sexy- I mean, Emo.

“So you found me out. I suppose I should commend you on your detective skills.” Chaos Peach says.

“Elementary, my dear Watson.” Chaos Valentina explains rather scholarly. “Now, where is the REAL Princess?”

Chaos Peach pulls out her Chaos whip – rainbow electricity courses through it. “Somewhere dark in a land you’ll never find her!”

“Dark Land!” Chaos Valentina exclaims.

“What? No! She’s not there, damnit!” Chaos Peach hurls the Chaos Whip and wraps it around Chaos Valentina. It starts to suck her energy away and back into Chaos Peach. “Mmm, your energy is so delicious.”

The three little pigs poke their heads through the window. “That’s pretty hot.”

Chaos Valentina falls to her knees, veins in her forehead and her skin becoming cold and clammy. “You won’t get away with this. The savior will find you.”

Chaos Peach smiles at Chaos Valentina as she spews her own insides in liquid form through her lips. “The savior is already dead. I killed him myself.”

Chaos Valentina, nearly completely hollow speaks with her final words. “No… there is another…according to the Prophecy.”

Chaos Peach sucks up the rest of Chaos Valentina and increases her energy. The Mushroom guards run into the chamber armed with spears. Chaos Peach hurls a blast to the ceiling and the sunlight pours through.

“Stop! In the name of Mushroom Law!”

“You mangy filth, you’ll never stop us. The Chaos Door is Ajar, and soon to be smashed completely open! Especially since I now have the Golden Gumdrop Key.” Chaos Peach twirls the Golden Gumdrop Key on her longest finger.

And now Chaos Peach ballroom dances out the castle ceiling’s new skylight and disappears in a lightning bolt.

Wooster enters the room with his mop and starts to clean up the mess with an angry frown. “Women!”


Chapter Twelve: The Blessed Tomb of the Elemental Sage

Fishmael stood brooding atop the crumbling battlements of his ancient castle, his vampire cape tucked tightly around him to protect against the howling wind. It was really pretty cold and he really should have brought his sweater but he didn’t because vampires don’t need sweaters or jackets or even mittens because they are really cool. They can fly sometimes and turn into bats if they want and are REALLY strong. They could even beat up my dad who is super strong but I wouldn’t let them because I’d stop them with the kicks I learned in karate class. I would kill any vampire that tried to mess with my family, unless he promised to give me twenty bucks so I could get a wii points card. I don’t have enough points to get Strong Bad’s cool game for attractive people episode 2: Strong Badia the Free. If I were a vampire, no one at school would mess with me because I would benchpress like 200 pounds.

“It’s been a long time, Moustafa,” Fishmael said as the shroaded mouse entered.

“I bring ill news, Dark One. Herbert has been killed while defending the Time Egg from Organization Seventeen.”

“Who the hell is Herbert?”

“He’s one of the Boos that Tubba Blubba ate in the first Paper Mario game,” Moustafa said, on the verge of tears.

“Oh. Okay.”

“And he’s dead!”

“NO!!” Fishmael’s eyes glew bright red because that’s what happens when vampires get really upset. He punched a wall so hard that he broke his hand.

“Those buttheads aren’t going to get away with this!” Fishmael snarled, “I will eat all their blood and then throw them off of a house!”

“Wowf, faf is ritty ardoar”


“Sorry, I was eating an apple,” Moustafa apologized and put away his lunch. Sometimes, Moustafa gets hungry too. “I saying that’s pretty hardcore.”

“I know!”

“I will go with you and help! Moustafa said, readying his bo staff.

“Not this time, dear friend. I must go and avenge Herbert alone. It will be way more badass if I take them on all by myself, because I don’t need any help from anyone. I am pretty strong.”


“I am running out of time,” Fishmael said gazing at the moon, “The sun will rise soon.”

“The moon looks as said as your heart,” Moustafa said.

“The cursed life of a vampire is truly tragic, though immortal they may never feel the gentle love of the morning light. Damn this wreteched curse! The weight of guilt has become so strong since Rosalina was killed. If only it were not for this curse! So many years have flitted by and see how our world has plunged into the deepest darkness. The crimson tears will not stop as memories flood in again and again. What good is endless life if in it there is naught but despair? We have all played a role in this grief-riddled opera, but the cruelest twist of fate is that the sweet embrace of death may not be tasted until at last a penance has been made at long last.” Moustafa said.

“Yeah I know!” Fishmael said, “It’s a good thing you’re not a vampire like me!”


“Anyway, I’m gonna go kill them now. Seeya!”

Instantly Fishmael flew away into the sky, is cloak billowing under his cape dramatically in the twilight. But little did little did Fishmael know that he was only playing into Organization Seventeen’s trap. But that’s okay because Organization seventeen had no idea that they were playing into Fishmael’s trap too. As the Prophecy foretold. 


“I must say, this Shroom Steak looks delicious,” Jr. Troopa said as the waiter placed his plate in front of him.

“I agree that this Shroom Steak is delicious,” Bombette said as she emptied her laser pistol into Whacka’s face.  “Also, I’m really Bombette for real, no doubt about that, no question at all.”

“That’s for sure,” Jr. Troopa agreed.  “…Wait.”

There was an awkward pause as the two dinner partners stared at each other, while Whacka sputtered blood over the croissants as he writhed on the table in agony. 

“Something’s been bothering me…”

“Is it the croissants?  I can ask for more.”

“No…it’s not that.  WAIT.  WAIT A MINUTE!”

Jr. Troopa leaped onto the table and stomped on Tap-Tap the Golden’s chicken pot pie five times.  Then he pointed an accusatory finger at Bombette.


“And what makes you say that?”


“Oh.  Shit.”

Jr. Troopa crossed his arms, satisfied that he had seen through the cunning disguise.  He then kicked the remains of Tap-Tap the Golden’s pot pie off the table.


“Sorry, I just get overly excited.”

Bombette (But she’s not actually Bombette) cackled.  “Looks the jig is up!”  She took off her fake mustache and revealed herself to be…


“What?  No, I’m Bow.”


“You know why I’m here, Jr. Troopa,” Bow sneered as she spit in Tap-Tap the Golden Nose’s strawberry milkshake.  “The Prophecy states that the Parasol of Death is to be passed down from generation to generation.  And that includes the Ministers of Reckoning.” 

Jr. Troopa turned and glared viciously at Tap-Tap the Golden Nose for twenty minutes.  Then he turned back to Bow.

“Parasol of Death?  HA!”

“I DID NOT TELL A JOKE,” Bow snarled.  Whacka’s body twitched and Bow shot it eighty more times for good measure.  “We know you have the Parasol of Death, because you’re Jr. Troopa, for real!”

“Oh, is that so?”  Jr. Troopa chuckled.  “Behold, the element of SURPRISE!”  Jr. Troopa took off HIS fake mustache and revealed himself to be…

“You’re…you’re still Jr. Troopa.”


There was another awkward pause as Jr. Troopa attempted to put the fake mustache back on.  After it fell off for the third time, Bow got really tired of waiting.

“Enough fooling around!” Bow yelled.  She aimed her laser pistol and turned the lever to 30 on the 1-40 scale.

“Why are you pointing it at me?!”

“Whoops.  My bad.”

Bow awkwardly moved the laser pistol 90 degrees to the left away from Tap-Tap the Golden Nose, to where Jr. Troopa was sitting. 

“You’ll never succeed,” Jr. Troopa warned.  “I have allies everywhere.  Allies in locations you would never suspect.  They have really good disguises too, so you would not even know who they are, even if you looked at them.”

“So you’re saying…you’ve got allies here?  In this Christmas-themed diner rocket ship?”

“That’s right.”

Bow’s eyes darted around the festively decorated dining room.  Other spies?  Here?  But who were they?!  Where were they?!  HUH?  BUH?  WHUH?! 

“AHA!  I KNEW you looked suspicious!”  Bow shrieked as she pointed her laser pistol at Tap-Tap the Golden Nose.  “YOU WERE THE SPY!”


“Oh.  But.  If you’re not the spy…then…”

The kitchen doors swung open and the waiter from the first sentence entered the room dramatically.  Bow gasped as she saw who it was.



Axem Yellow ran toward the table with a murderous look in his eyes, pushing aside the astronaut Santa statues in a mad frenzy.  He unsheathed his katana and threw it five hundred feet across the room, where it landed in Whacka’s back.  He then grabbed Tap-Tap the Golden Nose’s table and threw it into Dark Chaos Space.  Then he had to run five hundred more feet and arrived at Bow and Jr. Troopa’s table, panting heavily.

“Axem Yellow,” Bow whispered.  “After all we’ve been through…you would betray me?”

“Actually, I’m just here to give you your complimentary dinner mints.  I hope you had a holly jolly meal!” 

Axem Yellow gave the two diners a cheerful wave and took his katana out of Whacka’s back.  He then walked five hundred feet back to the kitchen, setting the astronaut Santa statues up that he pushed over.


“So who was your spy then?”  Bow asked.

“Actually…I think it was Whacka.  Well, actually, that’s Daisy with a fake mustache, not Whacka.  Regardless, I probably should’ve taken the opportunity to run after that ridiculously elaborate distraction earlier.  Instead, I’ll just do this!”

Jr. Troopa took out the Inferno Gauntlet and punched a hole into Dark Chaos Space.  He leaped out, cackling maniacally with his purple cape fluttering behind him.  Then he realized he couldn’t breathe in Dark Chaos Space and died. 

Bow merely sighed in annoyance and reported to Organization Enigma.  The tides were now in their favor.  Even Belome wouldn’t be able to interfere. 

Meanwhile, Tap-Tap the Golden Nose was really hungry.


Boshi walked through Toad Town with his hands in his pockets. Wait, he doesn’t have pockets, never mind.  Boshi walked through Toad Town with his hands just sitting by his side.  He was thinking about the Chaos Door.

“I wonder what Merlon meant by ‘Those Cheesy, Goofy Openings’… Hmm…”

He looked up and saw Café 64, which was neat.  Then he turned around and saw a boat.

“Whoa, sweet, a boat!” he shouted.  It made him smile.  The boat went out to sea and he entered the Café.  WHAM! He bumped into Lakilulu, who flew back thirty feet and destroyed a juke box.  “Oh, I’m sorry, uh… durr…”

Lakilulu got up and dusted herself off.  She looked into Boshi’s sunglasses.  Her eyes were like two beautiful shining pearls that were black, and her hair was orange, like a carrot, except like a carrot that was really beautiful.  Not even a normal carrot.  She smiled.

“Err, hey, I like your, juke box… I MEAN, your hair is very, hot, and… FUCK!” Boshi muttered.

Lakilulu giggled.  “You’re pretty cute.”

Boshi’s heart got warm.  A bar fight broke out, but that’s not important right now.  “You… you think I’m c-cute?” Boshi blushed as Misstar bludgeoned Spitz with a wine bottle, killing him.

“Yeah, that’s why I said that.  I don’t know why I would say something like that if I didn’t think you were cute. That would be so awkward.” Lakilulu said.

“Heheh, yeah…” Boshi chuckled.


There was a two hour pause as Boshi twiddled his thumbs and thought of some way to sound super cool.  “I can control the darkne-“

“HEY! PAL!” shouted someone from the bar fight.

“Yo,” Boshi said.

“YOU’RE PART ORGANIZATION ENIGMA!!” the voice shouted.

“No, I’m actually a part of Organization Seventeen,” Boshi corrected.

“OH, SWEET,” the voice said.


“Just try it, short guy!” Boshi growled, unsheathing the Blade of Rainy Torment.

Rawk Hawk rose from his chair and pulled out four darkness-infused nun-chucks.  “TIME TO RAAAWK!”

Boshi gathered his energy, and was surrounded by a ring of energy.  The eight Dry Dry Runes glowed around him as the Seventeen Arch-angels sang a hymn about Mid Mushrooms.  “Battle strategy…” Boshi growled, his voice echoing through the darkness.  “CRESCENT BEAM TORNADO!!”  VWOOOOOOOOOOFFF!!  The tornado beam destroyed half of the bar and killed Fice T, Marilyn, Goompa, and Rawk Hawk.

“Whoa…” Lakilulu said.  “That was incredible!”

“D’aw, geez, it was nothing…” Boshi chuckled, scratching the back of his head.  “Just an old technique Tatanga taught me…”

The two looked into each others eyes.  Boshi found himself inching towards her, and saw she was doing the same.  He closed his eyes.

BANG!  Mouser shot Lakilulu in the head and killed her.

“Hey, dude!” Boshi spat.  “What are you doing!?”

“Huh?” Mouser said.

“I loved her!” Boshi yelled.

“Oh, whoops, my bad,” Mouser said.  “Anyway, the prophecy is almost fulfilled, did you gather the stones?”

“Yeah, most of them…” Boshi fished in his knapsack.  “Wait… Oh, no, I forgot. Sorry.”

“It’s cool,” Mouser said.  “Come on, let’s go do that.”

“Sounds good,” Boshi smiled.  “Let’s go…”

The two walked into the sunset as Boshi secretly planted a Belome-shaped bug on the back of Mouser’s neck.   “I’d never betray you, old chum!”


The Jonathan Jones Memorial Restaurant and Bar was packed to the brim with eight people, one of them convulsing violently on the floor due to a seizure.  Funky Kong gingerly stepped over Grodus’s thrashing, flailing body and made his way over to where Kooper sat, drinking milk from a dirty glass.

“Organization Enigma doesn’t suspect a thing,” Funky Kong snickered as he lit a cigar made of platinum.

“I’M part of Organization Enigma.”

“Oh.  Uh.”

Funky Kong awkwardly got up from his stool.  He then took a few of Kooper’s crazy curly fries and tripped over Grodus, who was still twitching on the floor.  After going back to get some more of Kooper’s really tasty curly fries, he walked over to Crystal King, who was drinking his fifteenth Bloody Mary.

“Crystal King.  I thought you were dead.”

“Oh, actually, I am, but this is a flashback.”

“…Oh.” Funky puzzled over this for fifteen minutes and finally just shrugged.  “Well, uh, anyway.  Organization Enigma doesn’t suspect a thing.  Everything is going according to plan.”

“Let’s just hope our agent doesn’t let us down,” Crystal King muttered.  “Otherwise, we lose the Scroll of Nightfall to the Order of the Crying Fire Flower.”

“Who’s actually IN the Order of the Crying Fire Flower?”

“I don’t actually…know.”

Suddenly, the lights went off in the bar and groovy-time disco lights began flashing around the room.  Luma was in da’ house fo’ real.

“AWWW YEAAAH LES’ GET DIS’ PAH-TY STARTED BOYEEEE,” MC Luma howled.  He scratched the turn tables five thousand times in a row, showing off his hipster styles and his mad skillz. 

An hour passed.

“O…okay, phew, that was really tiring.  I did not even take one break…PHEW.  Man, I am tuckered out.  Let’s-“

But too many hipster styles had been shown off.  MC Luma gasped and hacked blood all over his Turnz Tablez Eightyz Thouzand 80,000.  “…Let’s get this party started.”   

Luma crumpled over the TTET80,000 shivering violently.  Letting out a shuddering sob, he whispered, “Hooktail, my darling …I never got to tell you how much I loved-“


Everyone clapped and cheered really loudly because the party got started and they were so excited for the rap battle.  Funky ate seven chili dogs because he was really hungry from all the excitement and because he really liked chili dogs.  More than ice cream, even!

The two rap battle contestants entered the bar.  Dr. Topper popped his collar and rode his golden Segway towards the stage.  He tried to ride the Segway up the stairs for a solid fifteen minutes until he finally decided to just walk up onto the stage awkwardly.

On the other side of the room, Chuck Quizmo made his way through the crowd and gently nudged aside a frothing Grodus as he stood up next to Dr. Topper.  The two rap rivals glared at each other viciously.  Dr. Topper licked his lips vigorously to try and inspire fear and immediately regretted his decision because it just looked really awkward. 

Chuck Quizmo grabbed the mic and began to speak to the crowd.  “Before I begin this rap, I’d like to dedicate this song in memoriam of Jonathan Jones.”

“I’m…I’m right here, guys!  Why does everyone think I’m dead-“



Crystal King leaned over to whisper to Funky.  “Now remember, we need to figure out which of these two is our agent and which one is Organization Enigma’s.  They’ll be delivering messages through rap code, which, as you know from the Prophecy, is the most deadly and important code of all.  We need to stay focused, alright?”

Funky shook his head grimly.  Then he realized he was supposed to agree and nodded grimly.

On stage, Chuck Quizmo took a deep breath and gazed upon the audience.  Then he started his rap:

Yo, I’m Chuck Quizmo, the super stylin’ g.

My posse is the  numba’ twenty minus three.

Those other dudes are lamers, disgraceful, a stigma.

Hey, Crystal King and Funky, I am not from Enigma!

Chuck Quizmo finished his rap and flashed a few gang signs followed by a triumphant thumbs up.  Everyone cheered as Chuck sat down at a nearby table and made meaningful eye gestures towards Crystal King and Funky.

“Hmmmmmmm,” Funky hmmed.

“Hmmmmmmmmmmm,” Crystal King shouted.

“Yeah, I have no idea which side he’s on,” Funky concluded.  “I need some more time to crack the rap code.”

“Well, let’s wait and see if Dr. Topper can clear things up for us.”

Dr. Topper looked nervously at the crowd.  Gallons of sweat poured down his pants.  He popped his second collar to try and ease his nerves, but that did not work somehow.  Resigned, he grabbed the mic.

“Uh…I’d also, uh, like to dedicate this rap to Jonathan J-“


“S-sorry.  I’m just gonna, uh, I guess I’ll start now.”  Dr. Topper mopped the sweat from his pants and started his rap.

Yo, I’m Chu-I mean, I’m Dr. Topper, the super stylin’ g.

My posse is the uh, the numba’ twen-um, uh, ummm enigma.

“You can’t just copy MY lyrics!”

I’m-I’m sorry, uh, these other dudes-no, uh, gosh, ummm crap, crap, crap, hold on.  These othe-no, I mean, er, uhhhh, come on, these-I’M FROM ORGANIZATION ENIGMA!!!

There was an awkward single clapping noise which turned out to be just Grodus’ skull rapidly bashing a nearby table leg.  Dr. Topper popped his third collar for good measure and then rode to the back of the room on his golden Segway.  For the most part, he thought he had done pretty well.

Crystal King stroked his beard in deep thought.  Since he didn’t have a beard, he ended up just stroking his cloak uncomfortably instead.

“I wanna say he’s Order of the Crying Fire Flower.”

“I’m completely clueless,” Funky said.  “I never realized rap code could be so intricate and magical.”

“ARE YOU GUYS SERIOUS?!”  Jonathan Jones shrieked as he pulled out his katana crossbow from behind them.  “DR. TOPPER IS FROM ORGANIZATION ENIGMA!  HE CLEARLY STATED HE WAS FROM ORGANIZATION ENIGMA!”

“Jonathan Jones!”  Crystal King gasped.  “I thought you were dead!”

“Oh, for the love of-“

“Wait a minute!”  Funky shouted.  “I’ve got it!  I think Jonathan Jones is our agent!”


Jonathan Jones aimed his katana crossbow at Funky when suddenly a wave of chaos energy soared across the room and cut off his head.  Kooper placed his dark scythes back in their holsters and crossed his arms in triumph.

“Uh, Kooper, you do realize that he was on your side, right?”  Crystal King asked delicately.

“Oh, really?  Whoops.”

Kooper sat down in his seat and continued eating his curly fries.  Everyone sat around the table and dug in and they were so busy eating that they didn’t notice Grodus bumping into several tables, knocking over a glass pitcher of lemonade juice, and grabbing the Scroll of Nightfall from the stage.  As he rode away on the golden Segway, Grodus cackled to himself.

“The Order of the Crying Fire Flower will surely be pleased.”


Final Destination Mushroom Enigma: The End of Days

Ten years ago, the Chaos Door opened.

The world was engulfed in chaos. The old gods and the new gods abandoned the world. The Yoshis were released from their crystal sky prison and flooded the land. The dead rose from the grave, and the living tore each other to pieces. Brother against brother, ghost brother against ghost brother.

It was chaos.

But then, just as quickly as it had opened, the Chaos Door closed.

The True Hero, Waluigi, sacrificed himself to save the world.

But what was done was done. The horrors of the Chaos Door had been unleashed, and the world had changed forever.

It has been ten years since his death. And now it is time for

Final Destination Mushroom Enigma: The Shadow Koopa Darkness Prophecy of Destiny: The Downfall of the Two Kingdoms: Volume One: Part One: The End of Days


Chapter One: The Wrath of the Shadow Coup


Dr. The Angry Sun (now known as Biggs Domino) kicked back his feet and smoked a giant cigar made of gold.  Business was going good for Angry Sun Industries.  Cheep Cheep cocaine (super mushrooms ground into hallucinogens) and shrooms (saliva from Cheep Cheeps crystallized into a potent powdery stimulant) were selling like hotcakes.  Just then, the door burst open.  It was Croco, and he was really scared.



“Dr. The Angry Sun, come quick!  It’s Anti Guy!  And he has ONE MILLION SOLDIERS!”

“WHAT?!” Dr. The Angry Sun roared.  “We’re outnumbered!”

Dr. The Angry Sun and Croco were the only two members of Angry Sun Industries.

“That son of a bitch,” Dr. The Angry Sun hissed as he peeked out of the blinds of his office.  “He swore to me our feud was over after I blew up Goomba King with that bazooka.”

“Dr. The Angry Sun, are we gonna have a d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-DRUG FIGHT?!”

“Looks like it,” Dr. The Angry Sun growled.  He put on his Eternal Blizzard Gauntlet (the destiny brother of the Inferno Gauntlet) angrily.  “I’ll show these palookas what it’s like to deal with a REAL Cherry Blossom Warrior.”

Summoning all of his chi into his heart, Dr. The Angry Sun glowed a vibrant pink, and lots of cherry blossom petals swirled around him.  It was really great, almost as great as Bleach.

“Let’s go, Croco.”

“I’m right behind you, brother.  I always will be.”

Dr. The Angry Sun opened the door.  A fire harpoon shot through and blew apart Croco’s face.

“Hey, Dr. The Angry Sun!  Fuck you!”

Dr. The Angry Sun looked up to see Anti Guy hovering above him with his jumbo rocket boots. 

“It’s Biggs Domino now-“


Anti Guy began doing figure eights in the sky with his rocket boots as they made the most horrible noise in the entire world.

“I said it’s Biggs-“


“It’s B-“


“What did you say?”

“It’s Biggs Domino now.”


Dr. The Angry Sun spat out his gold cigar.  “Anti Guy, it’s time to finish this.  There can only be one drug lord in this town, and that one is ME.”

Dr. The Angry Sun raised his Eternal Blizzard Gauntlet and pounded it into the ground.  Five thousand icicles burst out of the earth and killed a thousand people.

“Ha!” Anti Guy scoffed.  ” I still have like 999,000 soldiers left!”

Five thousand more icicles killed 999,000 people.


“And now,” Dr. The Angry Sun snarled as he pointed his gauntlet at Anti Guy’s head. “It is your turn.”

Suddenly, out of NOWHERE, a blast of pink energy tore Dr. The Angry Sun’s arm off.  He whirled around to see Lakilester grinning wickedly while twirling his plasma gunblade.

“Lakilester!  You would betray me?!  We are sworn Cherry Blossom brothers!”

Lakilester swooped down and howled because he was also a werewolf.  As he did, three more Cherry Blossom Warriors burst out of the bushes.  Dr. The Angry Sun stared at them in horror.

“Stanley the Bugman!  Francesca Pianta!  The second ? Block from Super Mario Bros 3!  What is the meaning of this?!”

“You’re out of the loop,” Stanley snickered.

“The Cherry Blossom Warriors are no more!” Francesca cackled.

The ? Block from Super Mario Bros 3 didn’t say anything.

“We are a NEW faction,” Anti Guy said smiling as he and the rest of the former Cherry Blossom Warriors surrounded Dr. The Angry Sun.  “We are…the SHADOW COUP.”

“The Shadow Koo?”

“No, the Shadow Coup.”


“And we’re going to seize what’s rightfully ours from Organization Enigma and Organization Seventeen!”

“But what about the Order of the Crying Fire Flower?” Dr. The Angry Sun asked.

There was a hushed, panicked silence as the members of the Shadow Coup looked around nervously.

“We wouldn’t dare…” Anti Guy mumbled.

“Too powerful,” Stanley muttered.

“They already killed Big Lantern Ghost!” Francesca cried.

The ? Block from Super Mario Bros 3 said nothing.

As the Shadow Coup was distracted, Dr. The Angry Sun attempted to sneak away, but Francesca raised her arm and summoned a bolt of dark lightning that struck Dr. The Angry Sun in the butt.


Dr. The Angry Sun rolled on the ground in agony.  The others closed in.      

“Y…you can’t do this!” Dr. The Angry Sun screamed.  “I have allies, you know!  They’ll come for you!”

“When you meet Boom Boom in hell,” The ? Block from Super Mario Bros 3 rumbled in a demonic voice that made the others clutch their ears in pain. “Tell him the Shadow Coup sent you.  And that Jimmy T. will be next.”

The ? Block from Super Mario Bros 3 raised the Omega Dagger and brought it down with the force of eight thousand volcanoes, and Dr. The Angry Sun was totally dead.

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Chapter Two: Wayward Yearnings of the Lost Sons of a Generation

“We must not be spotted in this darkness, 9-Volt!” cautioned the hooded man with glowing bright eyes and shiny glowing magnificent angel wings who was holding a briefcase.

9-Volt said nothing, but nodded in confirmation.  ”You’re sure I’ll find him here?”  He asked, slipping through the rocky coast as the thunderous rainfall crashed down upon the two.

“Of course you will!” the figure said.  ”The war is over, friend.  The chosen one has chosen to spend the rest of his days rotting on his throne at a place called… Tower Rock!”

“And why,” 9-volt asked, “Do they call it… Tower Rock?”

The figure halted.  Through the haze, they could see the shadowy indication of a massive structure jutting out of the ocean.  The figure grinned.  ”It is called Tower Rock because… it’s literally a tower on top of a rock.”

The rain cleared.  The structure was a tower on top of a rock.

“Oh,” said 9-Volt.

The shadowy figure hopped down to a small boat that was tied up to the shore.  He began untying it.  ”Make you business brief and be as clear as possible, boy!  The chosen one is a very… impatient man, you see.”

“I don’t have much to ask him…” 9-volt said.  He pulled out the remains on a bloody super leaf and stared at it with INTENSE RAGE that he’s just been building up for so long.  ”I just want to know about my father.  During the war he disappeared, and for years I’ve-“

“That’s super,” the  figure interrupted.  ”Now go, I have places to be.  I’m super busy!” He began to leave.

“Wait,” 9 Volt said.  ”Just… just who are you anyway?”

The figure chuckled.  ”I’m… just a shadowy figure, kid.  Nothing more, nothing less.  Who I am or… who I was, none of that matters now.  All you need to understand is that I am neither friend nor foe, just a servant to the shadows.  Was I somebody once?  Possibly…  Weren’t we all somebody once?  But no, not me.  I am nobody.  I am nothing.  I just… am. In the end, I have no identity.”

“You sound a lot like Chuck Quizmo.”

Chuck Quizmo stood in silence for a several minutes, not making eye contact.  ”I’m… Uh, I’m definitely not Chuck Quizmo…” he mumbled.  They said nothing for several more minutes and then he just left.

9-volt looked at the tower before him.  It was big and scary and covered in spikes and there was lightning and there were statues and it was shooting fire from some places and there were machine guns and giant sawblades it was super cool. “I’ve finally found you,” 9-Volt muttered.  He clutched the super leaf tightly and accidentally got cape power and  then he stepped in the boat and crossed the Waters of Madness.

The door to the tower opened with a soft, muffled CREEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAKKKKKK.  9-Volt climbed two thousand flights of stairs and finally reached the peak of the tower.  Inside, there was lit fireplace and a figure sitting before it.  He could see a golden hook and a pair of mouse ears.  The record player was softly playing the item minigame theme from Mario Party 3.

“What is your name?” the mysterious character asked.

“I am Nine Volt, from house… uh, Wario Ware Mega Microgame$ for the Gameboy Advance,” 9-Volt said.  ”I’m to understand you… fought in the war.”

The hook began tapping on the armchair impatiently.  ”Aye, boy,” the man said.  ”Aye, I fought in the war.  Aye, the best years of my life I gave to that cause.  And what of it!?”

9-Volt approached the man.  ”Who are you?” Nine Volt asked.  ”Just who is the man behind… the chosen one?”

The chair swiveled around and the man was now facing the boy.  It was Wario!!!  He was wearing mouse ears and holding a golden hook.

“BAAAAHAHAHAHA!!!” Wario laughed.  ”Expecting somebody else, were we?”

“No, I pretty much… had no idea who the chosen one was,” 9-Volt said.  ”Why are you wearing mouse ears and holding a golden hook.”

“Are you serious?” Wario said.  ”You didn’t think I was Mouser?”


“You don’t even know Mouser!?”

“I have never heard of Mouser.”

Wario was absolutely devastated because he had worked so hard on his costume.  ”I’m… still going to wear the ears,” he said.

“That’s fine,” said 9 volt.

“So,” Wario began, stroking his magnificent wizard beard and taking a sip of his magnificent wizard beer.  ”Why have you come here, kid?  And make it quick… there’s a storm on the horizon, you know.”

“A storm on the horizon?” Nine volt asked.  ”But the war is over, isn’t it?  The kingdom is at peace and it’ll be that way forever and ever and ever!”

Wario laughed heartily. “BAAAHAHAHAA!!  Foolish child!  Even as we speak, the Shadow Koo is preparing to make their move!  It won’t be long now before this whole shebang starts all over again!”  He tried to drink his beer but slipped and spilled it all over his beard.

9-Volt looked at the sad display before him.  ”And what, you’re just going to sit here in your ugly tower and wait it out?”

“Hey!” Wario yelled.  ”My tower is awesome!”

“What a joke,” 9 Volt scoffed, stepping carefully through piles upon piles of crazy grape juice bottles.  ”What happened to you?  I thought you were the chosen one!”

“Chosen one… right,” Wario chuckled.  ”Do you know what it means to be the chosen one, kid?  It means you run around trying to tell people that you’re the chosen one and they laugh and laugh and laugh and nobody cares!  You know what?”  He pulled a magnificent glowing star stone out of his beard and threw it at 9-Volt who lost his cape power when it him.  ”Here ya go!  Now you’re the chosen one!”

“But… but the prophecy said-“

“PROPHECY!??!?!?!!?” Wario said.  ”Prophecy shmophecy!  You have the stone, you’re the chosen one!  That’s how it works!  Have fun!  Now get out of my sight, I want nothing more to do with kingdoms or wars or dark prophecies or crazy organizations… I just… I just want to sit here in peace, dammit.  All I ever wanted was to be a funny money man who loved garlic…  But everybody started killing each other and everything got out of control!  That’s the kind of world we’ve made.  Where in that world is there room for a man like me?”  A tear rolled down his cheek and he took a long drink from his beer.

“Yikes,” 9 Volt said.  ”Alright, if you wish me to be the new chosen one, I… I accept my role with honor and dignity.  I shall not let you down!”

Wario did not say a word, nor did he look at the boy or his stupid helmet.  He was staring at a photo of Waluigi.  His mind was someplace far, far away.

“Fine, if this is the sort of life you want to lead…  I’ll leave you to it” Nein Volt said, opening the door and stepping out.  ”But before I go… I need to know… what happened to my father?”

“He died,” Wario said.

“…o… oh.”


Chapter Three: The Return of the Prince

The hum of machinery was deafening inside the lowest level of Grumble Volcano science facility. The greatest scientific minds of the Boulder Bowl Galaxy from Super Mario Galaxy 2 had been summoned to apply their collective expertise to the project Chance Time. Researchers rushed between control panels, entering command codes, turning knobs, over-riding security protocols, and shouted out commands about the state of the program.

“The Pribnow box is at 83%! Synchronization is remaining steady!”

“Energy couplings locked, engage the Grand Star!”

Knobs were turned, adjusted, and rotated before being turned again. An alarm went off and a computer console exploded and killed a Chargin’ Chuck in a labcoat.

“Shit!” Kolorado Koopa exclaimed, “Get those plasma drives under control! We’ve come too far to fail now!”

“It’s really hard, though!” Explained Punchinello, who was struggling with the controls.

Kolorado got out of his command chair and pushed Punchinello to the floor and pulled the lever. Suddenly everything was working properly and all the tension in the scene was dissolved.

“Aw.” Punchinello whimpered. He had wanted to help.

All status reports were nominal; the room hissed a veil of steam as the pod was lowered into the center of the room by the Crane Game arm from the Mario Party 2 mini-game (Not the one from the first Mario Party). A single fogged window hinted at a floating silhouette within. Kolorado was so intently focused on maintaining the energy flow from the Grand Star that he did not hear the test chamber door swish open. The Shy-Guys, Boos and Pinatas hammering at their keyboards slowed to the crawl as they witnessed Bowser Jr sweep across the room, trailing his flowing doctor’s coat behind him like a cape.  

“You’ve died once already, Kolorado. Do you really want to throw it all away for this foolish project?”

Kolorado whirled around to find a katana pointed at him, inches from his throat. His eyes flashed with anger at the sight of his old friend. The Safari adventuring koopa turned back to his controls.

“If you’ve come here to kill me, you shouldn’t hesitate.”

“The only thing that will kill you here is your own hubris,” Bowser Jr. threw his katana into the floor, ruining the expensive linoleum; “The cost of initializing project Chance Time is too great. You have to stop now before it’s too late.”

Kolorado spoke into the PA microphone: “Ignore the infiltrator. Continue operations as directed. Chance Time will begin in sixty seconds.” He turned to Bowser Jr., seething, “Before Luigi fell into the river Twygz and lost, he explained to me before Waluigi sacrificed himself to seal the Chaos door, and he saved the last shard of his Pure Heart within the subject. If we can only bring him back…”

“YOU’RE A FOOL!” Bowser Jr. slapped Kolorado with enough force to knock him off his feet. “Did you learn nothing from the past ten years? The only way out of this crisis is to wake Tatanga!”

“Thirty seconds until Chance Time!” Pinata Cop from Mario Sunshine shouted.

Kolarado lay on the floor; he recovered his eyeglasses, one lens now badly cracked. He replaced them on his face and stood.

“When you had a chance to save Mimi in surgery, you hesitated and it cost us her life.”

“I loved her!” Bowser Jr. cried. There was an awkward moment when most of the room was thinking about her scary gross spider legs.

Tears splattered across Kolorado’s control panel. “So did I.”

“I’ll stop yo-“

The facility lit up bright green and the signal was complete. Kolorado slammed the start button before Bowser Jr. could finish his sentence. The Grand Star withered to dust as every last molecule of energy was siphoned away and the pod began radiating intense heat. Three twirling blocks brighter than the sun began revolving at the center of the room at such speeds that the kinetic force knocked Punchinello into a vending machine. Almost as quickly as it began, the energy spike was out of control and control panels began exploding. Researchers popped like kettle corn on either side of Koloardo as he concentrated on getting the timing right. He pressed the button.

The middle block stopped on a symbol of a 1up pointing to the right. Bootler screamed as he was completely vaporized by stray energy blast. Somewhere in the room, Kolorado heard the protests of Bowser Jr. as if it were a rumbling a thousand miles away. He pressed the button again and the block on the left stopped on the face of Rosalina.

The room was growing brighter, louder. He could no longer hear or see Bowser Jr. or whatever other researchers that had managed to survive. His entire world was the Chance Time blocks and his control panel. This was the final moment.

Tears ran down his face as he thought of Mimi again, laying on her deathbed, her last rasping breaths filtered through an iron lung, her grip fading in their clasped hands.

“I’m sorry, my love.”

He pressed the button again, and the block stopped.

His senses came crashing back to reality like hangover thrown into a brick wall. The testing chamber was in ruins, Bowser Jr. was badly burnt and spread across the floor, but breathing.

The pod opened, spilling medical gel across the test site. Out of the confines of the darkened chamber arose Kooper, stoic. Kolarado turned to Bowser Jr, whose eyes were wide with terror, and said to him “Now we are all sons of bitches.”

Darkness began to shine from Kooper like a reverse star. He uttered three words, “My chaos scythe.”

“Oh!” Punchinello said, “Let me grab it for you, it’s in the locker-room!”

Bowser Jr. sprang to life, “God damn it, Punchinello you idiot! Don’t give that to him!”

He felt his red hair yanked by Kolorado, “Like it or not, this monster that I’ve brought back has the last essence of Waluigi’s pure heart trapped inside him. He’s our only salvation.”

“He’s going to kill us both!” Bowser Jr. spat as the darkness surrounding Kooper spread rapidly across the room. Shattered computer terminals began sinking into inky blackness.

“What does it matter? He can kill us. He can kill a thousand. This is what Mimi wanted. It’s is all that I had left of her.”

“Damn you, Kolorado.”

Punchinello trotted happily across the hellscape of sticky shadow and offered Kooper his scythe, still burning with darkness. Just as he did, the last light went out, leaving only Kooper’s wicked grim visible in the void.


Chapter Four: The Fate of Arch-Angel

“Never thought I’d be working with you,” Goombario spat.  The two scars on his face that made an X like Rurouni Kenshin burned from the dark memories of the past and also from the acid that had been sprayed upon it by Chaos Valentina and her army of ghost valkyries.

“Yeah, well, beggars can’t be choosers,” growled the hooded woman.  She hissed as her bronze arm began to glow, the pain searing through her veins.  She had known there would be a price to pay for merging with the Bronze Hand of Destiny, but she had underestimated just how staggering the pain would be.

WHAM.  A giant metal platform slammed in front of them, barely missing Goombario by an inch.  Another one of Castle Dreadnought’s traps.  As it rose up, Goombario could see the splattered remains of Monstar.

“Another dead follower of Organization Enigma, good riddance,” the hooded woman laughed mirthlessly.  “We must be on the right track.”

“Wait,” said Goombario.  “Wasn’t Monstar actually like a group of little star babies in Paper Mario.”

He lifted the body to look underneath.

“Oh ew, gross.”

“Quiet,” hissed the woman.  “Do you hear that?”

Both froze.  A loud cackling echoed down the hall.  Quickly, the two dashed down the hall and entered the throne room.


Zip Toad sat slouching on a massive throne made of skulls, giggling and kicking his feet.  In front of him was a massive pool filled with crocodiles and a bound Dribble hanging from the ceiling above it.

“This sucks!” said Dribble.

“ZIP!” Goombario barked.  Zip looked up and stared through his shades.  “WE’VE COME FOR YOU!”

“EEEHEEHAHAHOOHOO!  Not so fast, little man!” Zip laughed.  “If you take one more step, Dribble dies!”

Goombario and the hooded woman stared at Dribble for five minutes.  Finally, Goombario spoke.



“Fine, if THAT won’t stop you, then how about THIS?!” Zip Toad pulled a lever with a skull on it.  A panel in the floor began to open, and out came the Chancellor, except he was now a half Toad half bat monster hybrid with a tattered bat wing.  Encrusted into his forehead was the Sacred Jewel of the Dynast-Koopa, glowing an evil shade of red.

“My god,” Goombario said.  “What have they done to you, Arch-Angel?”

The Chancellor howled and slashed a wave of death energy at Goombario, but he used the secret art of teleportation ninjutsu to dodge it.

“I don’t want to hurt you, Arch-Angel!” Goombario yelled, swinging his Vampire Dreadblade.  “But if you don’t stop, I will HAVE to go into nightmare mode!”

“No need for that.”  The hooded woman lunged at the Chancellor and placed the Bronze Hand of Destiny on his jeweled head.

“All Mind,” she whispered, activating the key words.  As her hand began to glow, the Chancellor returned to normal for a brief second.

“L…lady Lima…”

The Chancellor’s head burst into one hundred billion pieces.  Zip Toad pooped his pants.

“Wh…who are you?!”

The hooded woman took off her hood to reveal that she was


“What, no, I’m Tayce T, you idiot.  Have you ever even SEEN Mouser?”

“N-no,” said Zip, ashamed.  “I just wanted you to think I was cool.  I didn-OWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!”

Goombario cut off Zip’s legs with the Dreadblade, and they sprouted bat wings and flew away because that’s what the Dreadblade does.

“Why does Organization Enigma want to find you so badly?” He growled.  “WHO ARE YOU WORKING FOR?”

“I-I-I’ll never tell!  They’ll gut me if I tell-OW!!!!!!!!!!”

Zip’s arms flew away too.

“Okay, okay, I’ll tell you, god!  I’m a member of…”

Zip paused.

“The Shadow Koo.”

“The Shadow Coup?”

“No, the Shadow Koo.”

“Why are you called the Shadow Koo.”

“I…I dunno.”

“That’s so stupid, though.”

“A-anyway!  If you spare me, I-I won’t tell them you were here!  Just let me go!”

“Oh, we’ll let you go, all right,” said Tayce T., grinning.  “Let you go Into the SEA OF ABYSSES.”

Tayce T. threw Zip at a speed of five hundred thousand miles per hour through eight walls of broken glass and out of the naval fortress of Castle Dreadnought.  Goombario and Tayce T. watched him fall into the deepest underwater hells of the Sea of Abysses.

“Oh, thank goodness!” said Dribble from above.  “Thank you, guys!  I can finally go back to my wife and kids!  Thank you so-AAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!!!!!!!”

As Dribble got eaten by a thousand alligators, Goombario let go of the skull lever.  Tayce T. looked at him, raising an eyebrow.


“Because FUCK Dribble, that’s why.”


Chapter Five: Blood, Barbecues, and Bananas

Mouser sharpened the Jade Dagger of Fate and pressed it against flesh.  He was prepared to make the perfect cut.  One slice was all it took.

“Please, don’t!” Penkoon pleaded.  ”You don’t have to do this!”

Mouser grinned a sinister grin and sliced his knife through the meat!  The red juices flowed out like a river!

“Really, you didn’t have to!” Penkoon laughed, receiving a cut of steak from his best friend Mouser whom he would never ever hurt even if a shadow demon forced him to.

“Oh, please,” Mouser said, wearing a festive beach party shirt with the face open like Franky from One Piece.  ”You’re my guest, after all!  How about you, Professor E. Gadd?”

“Not hungry…” E. Gadd muttered in his booming vibrato voice.  ”Got too much on my mind…”

“Oh, come off it!” Penkoon said, shaking his head.  ”I know we’ve been through some tough times, but that’s all behind us now!  The world is at peace!  The chaos door is closed!”

“But how did it open in the first place!?” E. Gadd roared and flipped over a whole table of food where Watt was eating.


“Dammit, you fools!” E. Gadd started.  ”Look at us!  Sitting here having a cool pool party when the very world could be in such grave peril!  Who’s to say somebody isn’t trying to open it right now?”

“The Shadow Coup is.” “The Shadow Koo is.”

Mouser and Watt smoke at the same time.  They laughed about it because they’re friends.

“Wait, what?” E. Gadd said, utterly shocked and just absolutely BEFUDDLED.  ”Is anybody trying to stop them!?”

“Well, after my retirement, Organization Enigma sort of fell apart,” Mouser sighed, pulling out an old group photo.  ”They’re still trying, DAD bless them… But… As hard as Wise Wisterwood has tried, the group is only a shell of what it once was.”

“I’m sorry,” said Penkoon.

“Thanks!” Mouser smiled.

“What about… the other guys?” E. Gadd said, choosing his words carefully.  ”You know… the… the Seventeen?” he whispered.  Penkoon spit out his juice and Watt started choking on her spicy guacamole crazy dip.  Mouser only stared at the professor, but he was not mad.

“There… there is no more Organization Seventeen,” he said in a cold tone of voice.  ”Not after… Not after what I did to her.”

They said in silence except for Watt who was choking and really needed help.

“So what happened?” E. Gadd asked.  ”Who do you mean?”

Mouser took off his sunglasses with his golden claw and looked up at the setting sun of Deep Bloober Sea.  ”The most beautiful… and most dangerous woman I’ve ever met.  A wonderful chef with a terrible appetite for destruction.”

Donkey Kong…” Penkoon whispered.

“Um… No, I meant Tayce T.” Mouser corrected.

“Oh…” Penkoon whispered.

“It’s an insane tale,” Mouser chuckled, taking patties off of the Grill of Scorching Nightmares.  ”It happened on the same day that Waluigi sacrificed himself to close the chaos door that the Shadow Koo are trying to open now.”

“Okay, but wait, nobody’s trying to stop them?” E. Gadd demanded.

“Come with me,” Mouser said, ushering his guests into his golden mansion.  ”There is something I’d like you… the ONLY three friends I trust in the WHOLE WORLD to see!”

Watt dropped dead because nobody helped her.

“Shit, okay, I have two friends now,” Mouser groaned.  ”Anyway, come with me.”

They trekked through five hundred golden rooms and hordes upon hordes of diamond bananas and down Mouser’s dark scary dungeon and into his secret vault where absolutely nobody is allowed.  He brought them to a display with housed a beating heart, purple with dark energy.

“Holy fucking shit!” E. Gadd exclaimed.  ”What is that?”

“That’s her heart,” Mouser said.  ”That day… I ripped it out of her with my golden hook and kicked her through the chaos door.”

“Jesus, why did you do that?” Penkoon asked, swatting away the dozens of spiders that were creeping onto him.

“Had no choice, friend,” Mouser said, shaking his head and taking a few puffs of his golden pipe.  ”She had gone trekked too far into the darkness.  I also did it to Torte’s Apprentice, Spitz, The Three Little Pigs, Marilyn, and the Snufit Police from Mario Party 2.  Kicked a lot of people in there!  Anyway, I don’t know what remains of her, but… Her hatred for me has kept this heart beating for ten years.”

“So if… hypothetically… Tayce T. actually made it back to our world and was roaming the land attempting to regain her missing pieces so she could reunite Organization Seventeen in a hostile takeover of the entire world to ensure that the chaos door remains shut for the rest of eternity and also just for the fun of it,” E. Gadd proposed.  ”…she would need this heart, right?”

“Yep,” Mouser said.  ”Good thing that’s impossible.  Waluigi closed the door before she could escape from the chaos realm.”

“Phew!” Penkoon said. “That’s a relief!” He got bit by a spider, OUCH!

“Anyway,” Mouser said.  ”I’m retired now and forever and unless Tayce T. is alive somehow, I’ll never do any fighting again!”  Mouser didn’t know that she was alive but we do because she was in the last chapter.

“Alrighty then,” Penkoon said, stretching his arms and yawning for several minutes.  ”I think it’s about time we hit the hay!  We’re going wind surfing tomorrow!  It’s gonna be CRAaAaAaAaZY!!!” He waved his arms in the air.

“Don’t do that,” Mouser said.

“S… sorry…”

“You coming, Professor?” Mouser turned around.  There was no sign of E. Gadd or the heart.  They were gone because he stole it and then he ran away in a big helicopter that he had ready.

“How curious…” Mouser said, scratching his big bushy golden beard with his golden claw.

E. Gadd’s helicopter took him to a SUPER SECRET VOLCANO LAIR that is SO SECRET that I can’t even tell you where it is!

“Welcome back to Yoshi Cabana!” greeted Poochie.  ”What do you have for us?”

E. Gadd laughed maniacally.  ”I have something for the lady…  Something that will make her very pleased indeed!”

“Cool beans!” said Poochie.

E. Gadd tossed him the heart and it fell on the ground because he didn’t give Poochie any warning.  Poochie picked it up and dusted it off, looking around to make sure nobody saw.  Ninety people saw, though.

“You make sure she gets her heart,” E. Gadd ordered.  ”And make sure she knows who found it!  I’ve got another mission to attend to.”

“Where are you going?” Poochie asked.

E. Gadd turned on the helicopter and put on his super goggles.  He smiled at Poochie and gave him a thumbs up.  ”Gotta find Jimmy T.”


Chapter Six: Path of Persephone

Luma Co-Star stood at the shore of the River Twygz. The cursed waters fed deep into the afterlife dimension and writhed with underhands and the unintelligible shrieks of the damned. In the wake of the opening of the chaos door, this place had changed little. He aimed down the iron sight of his magnum revolver as the ferryman’s boat floated to the shoreline.

“Whoaaa there,” Charold belched, “There issss no need to get violent. You like boatssss? I got a boat. We can ssssail to the UnderWhere. That would be fun, yeah?”

Luma Co-Star lowered his gun.  He did a hop, a twirl, and then two more hops.

“Huhhh? You don’t wanna go there? You want to go to hell?”

Luma Co-star hopped in agreement.

“Okay, that will be 8 coins.”

In response, he trained his revolver square on Charold’s forehead.

“Okay, fine. Nevermind. Fuck. Jussst get on.”

Co-Star Luma holstered his gun, and hovered over the boat as it sailed across the wailing river of tormented souls. He meditated over squirming underhands, and on his mission.

It had been 18 years since he was separated from his Special One. The memory of their adventures together was like a warm fire in his heart. He had been motivated to help him recover the power stars to stop the giant monster, but it did not take long for the attraction to become undeniable. There was just something about those strong arms, the way he moved, the earnesty of that mustache. His deepest dreams had come true when their eyes finally met, and somewhere lost in each other’s gaze their lips found each other and their passion was ignited, with tongue. Being held in those big, powerful arms became all Co-star Luma lived for, and then it was all taken away during the advent of Final Crisis 2. He didn’t care. He had to be reunited with his Special One. No matter what it took.

“Whelp, here we issssssssssssssssss.”

Floating in the middle of the River Twygz was a mysterious warp pipe. It was unlike any other warp pipe in the universe because it was red. Not like a regular red like in New Super Mario Brothers Wii, but like a really scary blood red that you would have in a nightmare (but only when they’re scary).

“Ssssssssss” Charold continued to lisp, belligerently.

Co-Star Luma floated up to the pipe, he peered down its yawning gulf and heard the screams of tortured souls, but they were kind of hard to make out because of all the screams of tortured souls in the water around them.  He began to descend into the pipe when Charold began leaping in alarm.

“WAIT! You know that thisss thing goes to HELL??”

Co-Star Luma rolled his eyes and warped down the pipe. He slid down, down, accelerating faster and faster, the roar of screams growing louder and louder as the pipe drew darker. The smell of sulfur was overwhelming, and smoke began pouring into his eyes, more and more until

“WAHAAAA!” Toad said as he hopped into player among the clouds. Co-Star Luma was confused and glanced around, seeing three others standing beside him.  Each of them looked incredibly tired, terrified, and emaciated. They was each tugging at ropes that did not seem to go anyway. Co-Star Luma hopped in question.

“Oh, ha. I didn’t… I didn’t see you there,” the Bean Bean beside him said vacantly, “You must be new. He’s making us play Tug-Of-War. Have you ever played it before?”

He twirled a no in response.

Without hesitation, the Bean Bean started the match before a practice round could be requested. Co-Star Luma was disoriented and found himself standing on one side of a chasm, holding a rope and dressed in a Bowser suit, while the three other damned souls were opposite of him. The Bean Bean grinned wickedly and yanked on the cord as soon as Toad shrieked “START!!!”

Concentrating, Co-Star Luma rotated the analog stick of his soul as hard and as fast as he could, desperately trying to stand his ground. The arm of his arm began to hurt and the moment he slowed down it was too late, he was pulled face first into the chasm where a gargantuan piranha plant sunk its fangs deep into his torso and began ripped his flesh asunder in the most morbid and fetish-y way possible. The sweet release of death never came as Co-Star luma continued to maintain consciousness as he was reduced to a smear of paste and digested in excruciating pain for what must’ve been a week.

So then the round was over and everyone else got ten coins but he didn’t and that made him really mad.

In the sky over Space Land, the words ‘ROUND 25,123 of 9,999,999 START’ appeared, and it was Co-Star Luma’s turn to hit the dice block. Shit. There was no way that he would have time to complete this competition. He let the dice box squeal overhead and turned toward the Nimbi who was five spaces ahead of him on the map. He twirled twice to ask how he might escape.

“Dude, we’re kind of trapped here for all eternity for punishment for leading shitty mean spirited lives. We get the Mario Bandstand minigame like 80% of the time and it fucking sucks.”

“I GOT AN IDEA DUDE!” Shouted a Crazee Dazee from across the map, “ASK HIM IF HE WANTS THE CONTROLS EXPLAINED TO HIM”

“No! No! Shhh! Don’t even joke abou-“

Toad leapt down from the sky, his eyes ravenous. “Do you want me to explain how to control the game?”

Because this was hell, the only options in response were ‘Yes,’ and at once Toad launched into an excruciatingly detailed explanation about how to press the A Button to jump and how analog sticks work. The pace at which he was explaining the controls indicated that he may be at this for another twenty minutes.

“Run,” the Nimbi pleaded, vacantly “You haven’t been here long enough to have your spirit broken. You have to get out while you can!”

Co-Star Luma tried, but couldn’t move. He twirled in panic. The Nimbi withdrew a Bowser Bomb from his pocket and hurled it. The explosion sent Co-Star Luma falling over the edge of Space Land and into the inky darkness of space. He landed, with a sudden thud, on top of a large ball. Ahead of him, he saw a steep one-way slide obstacle course littered with purple coins. At once, the ball started to move and Co-star Luma was sent careening down the incline at dizzying speeds. After a few insta-kills from falling over the side, he finally made it to the end of the track in one piece where a Gearmo was waiting.

“Hey, you only got 54 of 100 coins. Come back after you get more. And before another word could be said, Co-star Luma appeared at the start of the track and was sent down again. He tried going purposefully after the coins, but the controls were so frustrating and finicky and if he screwed up even slightly it was impossible to go back and get a coin and FUCK HE FELL OVER THE EDGE AGAIN OKAY THIS TIME WE’RE GONNA DO IT ARGH GOD DAMN IT.

Calming himself, Co-Star Luma tried to focus and complete this task with composure. Then he fell off the edge four times in a row.

“SON OF A BITCH SHITTING DAMN FUCK COCK SUCKER!” Screamed Co-Star Luma, who was frustrated.

Finally, after 3 more hours of this, Co-Star Luma got fed up and shot the Gearmo in the face with his magnum the moment he landed. The gun shot starbits, so it stunned the Gearmo for a couple seconds.

“Hey pal, I seem to have a lot of trash piled up around here. If you can destroy it all under the time limit, I’ll give you a star!”

Co-Star Luma shoved the Gearmo over the edge of the platform and he fell into a black hole where he was crushed to death painfully.

“Well done little star, I see you have bested one of my many challenges!”

Satan, the devil, appeared slow clapping out of a puff of smoke. “Not many are able to get out my many sinister and clever punishments! Good show!”

Co-Star Luma twirled.

“What’s that? You want me to reunite you with your special one?” Asked the Great Deceiver.

Co-Star Luma hopped.

“Well, I guess that would be fine. But could you do me a favor in return?”

Co-Star Luma made a really angry face in response.

“Oh, don’t be like that. You don’t have to. I just needed some help and you look like you might be able to assist me,” said the Author of all Sin.

Begrudgingly, Co-Star Luma twirled in agreement.

“Splendid! Oh, I knew you’ve be able to help,” The prince of darkness clapped in excitement, “I need you to help me beat Chaos Satan. He’s a big problem because he’s trying to take over hell and make it a worse place! We have to stop him!”

Co-Star Luma DID think that was a noble task, and decided that it if it meant being able to be together with his Special One again that it was worth any effort. However, before he was able to ask where they would begin, Lucifer put a finger to his lips and hushed him.

“Wait. We have to get out of here. My boss is coming. If he finds us here he’ll kill us both.”

Co-Star Luma looked for some way off the platform, but there were no paths but bottomless pit.

“HE’S HERE!” In panic, the chief of demons bent down on one knee and bowed low, “My liege! I-I didn’t expect to see you here! Please forgive me for straying from my post?”

Co-Star Luma grew pale as he looked into the smiling face of Belome.