
Chapter Seven: A Game of Bones


Jolene and Klevar hung on tight as the BONE-LER COASTER, a giant fully functioning roller coaster ride made entirely out of bones, took them down a spiraling vortex of bone track into the ocean.  Klevar gritted his teeth in determination.  He wouldn’t let Organization Enigma or his hot girlfriend Jolene die. 

After eighty-six minutes of bone-chilling loops and turns and twists, the cart finally screeched to a halt.  Klevar and Jolene climbed out of the cart and found themselves in a massive throne room decorated with bones.  The floor was littered with bones.  Everything was bones.

At the far end of the room, Diddy Kong, the Mad King of the Ancient Sunken City of Kehk’Kulla, sat on a massive throne made of bones, aiming the Burning Crossbow at T.T. from Diddy Kong Racing, who was chained to a wall on the opposite end of the room.  At Diddy’s side stood his retainer, Grubba, who appeared to be on the verge of vomiting.  After a few more seconds of careful aiming, Diddy fired.


“Ha, ha, you missed!”


“Ow, okay, that time, you-“


Klevar and Jolene walked past T. T.’s burning corpse and approached the Bone Throne where Grubba was vomiting everything in his stomach onto the bone floor.  Diddy Kong clapped sarcastically as they got closer.  He sprung out of the throne and spread out his arms in delight.


Along the walls were numerous burnt corpses of past members of Organization Seventeen: Koopa the Quick, the Yoshi from Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door, even…


Jolene ran up to the corpse that was her old boyfriend that was hanging on the wall, his black mask barely recognizable in the smoldering ruins.  Leaning up on tippy-toes, she gave the body a passionate, sticky kiss on the knee, which was weird.

“Unfortunately for him,” Diddy said grinning.  “He could not be a player long in the GAME OF BONES.  BUM BUM BUDDA BUM BUM BUDDA BUM BUM BUDDA BUM BUM BUDDA”

As Diddy began chanting what to him must’ve been some sort of orchestral intro, Klevar and Jolene stared in confusion as Grubba quickly wheeled in a small, beautifully intricate clockwork model of the world made entirely of bones.  They could see key locations, their likenesses perfectly captured in bones and clearly labeled: the Mushroom Kingdom, now torn in two by the effects of Merlon’s thunder shuriken attack after the war, Western Land a ghost town in ruins inhabited only by the mindless, withered slaves of Wiggler and her perpetual cycle of hootenannies, and Goomba Village, a filthy patchwork town that now served as Booster’s den for prostitutes and rapists.


All that could be heard for the next eight minutes was Grubba clapping frantically as Diddy held his arms out in an outstretched pose of triumph.

“O…okay,” said Klevar.  “Why did you make an entire eighty six minute long roller coaster and throne room and clockwork recreation of the world entirely out of bones.”

“I had a lot of bones.”


“So what brings you to my BONEdom?” Diddy asked.  Inwardly, he was very proud of the joke he had just made; he hadn’t thought of it till only three seconds ago.  “As you can see, I killed most of my fellow brothers and sisters of the Organization, and the few that got away won’t be coming back any time soon.  Organization Seventeen is dead!”

“You’re a fool,” Jolene snapped.  “You know just as well as we at Enigma do that the dark lord Kooper and your mistress Tayce T. won’t be gone for long.”

“Wise Wisterwood sent us here to negotiate a temporary ceasefire,” said Klevar.  “We also want our share of the Dark Artifacts-“


Diddy Kong slammed his fist on the right arm of the Bone Throne, shattering it into pieces because it was only made of bone.


He gestured grandly to the side of the room.  As Grubba dutifully cranked a lever, a table made of bones rose out of the ground with the Seven Dark Artifacts on its surface, glittering evilly.

“As you can see, I managed to get all of them in my possession,” Diddy boasted.  “And nothing you can say will get me to-HEY!  HEY, STOP TAKING THEM!  HEY!”

Diddy Kong fell out of the Bone Throne and ran over to the bone table, but tripped three times along the way as Klevar and Jolene managed to grab five of the Artifacts and stuff them in their pockets. 

“NEITHER OF YOU WILL LEAVE THIS ROOM ALIVE!” Diddy frothed.  He grabbed the Dark Gun off the bone table and aimed it at the two.   “I’LL SHOOT YOU ONE THOUSAND TIMES!”

“You’re insane!” said Klevar.  “That much Dark Influence concentrated in one room?!  It’d blow up the whole kingdom!”


He staggered forward, the Danger Trident bursting out of his chest from within.  Turning his head back, he found himself face to face with a triumphant looking Grubba whose hands were still gripping the end of the Trident.

“Vivian sends her regards,” Grubba hissed into Diddy’s ear.


Diddy collapsed, dead as balls.

Jolene stared at Grubba.  “Who asked you to do this?”

“I did.”

Everyone turned to see the dark enigma dreadlord, Kooper, walking towards them dragging his scythes along the bone floor.  Walking with him was Kolorado, who was staggering and throwing up non-stop because roller coasters made him feel yucky.

“My dreadlord!”

All three Enigma agents got down on both knees, outstretched their arms into jazz hand poses, and leaned their heads back, looking straight up at the ceiling in the traditional Enigma pose of servitude.

“From now on,” Kooper said to Grubba.  “You will be known as the Kong Slayer for the good work you have done today.”

“My dreadlord!” Klevar gasped.  “We thought you were gone!  What of Wise Wisterwood?”

“Wise Wisterwood is dead,” Kooper said to his followers.  “His arrogance and his impatience to succeed me cost him his life.”

“But my dreadlord,” Jolene whispered.  “Wise Wisterwood had the Chaos Whip.  How could you have defeated him?”


Everyone turned to see Kolorado who triumphantly got up while still covered head to toe in vomit.  He had pounded his fists together, but on both fists were

“TWO Inferno Gauntlets?!”

“But my dreadlord, how is that even possible?!”

“Anything is possible for Organization Enigma, my children.  Now rise.  Time is running short, and Tayce T. is already gathering her forces in full.  The War of the Five Kingdoms is beginning.”

Kooper paused to crush Diddy Kong’s skull under his foot.

“And I intend to win it.”



Chapter Eight: Tears of the Orchid

Pennington stared into the lifeless eyes of his father, Penbert.  That wicked smile he had known for so many years was forever baked onto his father’s half-robot face, but never again would it breathe the robot fire that had ruined so many lives.

“Father…” Pennington said, cold and emotionless.  ”I gave you a chance to listen…  I gave you a chance to change… But instead you let that BASTARD Tuxie lead you into oblivion! Why did you do that!?” He punched seven holes in the wall because thinking about Tuxie made him SO MAD.

The Museum of Chaos, built over the ashes of Tall Tall Mountain, stood as a monument of remembrance for those whose lives had been torn apart by the war.  It was within these hallowed halls that Pennington shared a moment with the stuffed corpse of his father, and ironically, the very location that their fateful final confrontation had taken place.

“Do you remember, dad!?” Pennington yelled.  ”Do you remember what happened that day!?  How Wart… how Wart lost his life!?”  Pennington screamed but we don’t get to hear it because we’re going into a flashback right now.

“Father, what are you doing!?” Pennington yelled, pointing his bazooka chainsaw at his father.

“I’m going to kill Wart!!!” Penbert said, laughing maniacally.  He breathed robot fire on Wart, who immediately melted and was very sad because he really didn’t want this to happen to him.

“OH NO!” Pennington shouted and he cried.

The flashback is over now and we see that Pennington has punched thirty more holes in the wall in the meantime.  Now he was crying.  He was crying like the Great Fire Flower that Penbert had promised would lead them to salvation.  But it was all a lie.  The Great Fire Flower turned out to be a fucking asshole who just set everything on fire and cried a whole lot.

Then he heard something.  A heavy, raspy breathing, eminating from the darkness.  Pennington turned and face the darkness, clutching the Bazooka of Unrelenting Sorrow that he had brought with him just in case.

“Hhhhh… It’s been a long time… Pennington…” said a voice in the darkness.

“Who are you!?” Pennington called out.  He had a hunch, but… but no, it couldn’t be!

“It’s me…” replied the voice.  A wheelchair painted Shadow the Hedgehog Black rolled out from the darkness.  On top of it, Pennington recognized the beaten and battered sillhuoette of Grodus.  ”Do you remember… Pennington?”

“YOU!!!” Pennington shouted.  ”What the FUCK are you doing here!?  Are you here to taunt me about how you turned the Order into the massive cult it’s become!?  Are you here to make FUN OF ME!?” Pennington punched another two hundred and nine holes in the wall and this pretty much caused the wall to fall apart.

“Yes…” Grodus laughed.  ”But also… hhhhhh… to KILL yoooouuu….” He snapped his fingers and three familiar faces filed in.

Pennington gasped.  ”No, it can’t be!  My best friends!  Toadsworth!  Zess T.!  And… of all people… the person who I used to love more than anything in the world…”

“It’s useless to resist, Pennington!” said Axem Yellow while biting into a big greasy cheeseburger.  ”The love we once had is meaningless! I now serve a much greater cause!” Toadsworth and Zess T. agreed with him.

“Back off!” yelled Pennington, who fired a chainsaw in Toadsworth’s direction.  The chainsaw severed Toadsworth’s arm and blood spurted out of the stub.

“Dude!” Toadsworth yelled, picking up his arm.  ”You need to chill out!”

“Yeah, stop resisting!” Zess T. yelled, pointing a pocketknife threateningly at Pennington.  ”Don’t make us beat you up!”

Pennington was nervous because he didn’t want to be beaten up.  He set the Bazooka of Unrelenting Sorrow on the ground in front of him.  ”Alright, I’ll play along,” Pennington growled.  ”But know this… whatever you do to me, the Shadow Coup will continue to grow… They may be scared of you now, but soon, they’ll be unstoppable!”

“Perhaps!” replied Axem Yellow, meticulously licking and sucking grease from each of his digits.  ”But no matter how big they get… they don’t have The Great Fire Flower!”

The ceiling exploded and peering over them was the colossal figure of the Great Fire Flower.  Massive tears dripped from his face and exploded into flames wherever they landed.

“OH NO!” screamed Pennington.

“BOOOO BOO BOO BOOO!!” cried the Great Fire Flower, setting fire to the entire museum and what little effort had been made to restore Tall Tall Mountain to its former glory.

“I’m going to stop this monster!!”  Pennington said.  ”Right here and now!”

“Not so fast, son!!” yelled a voice from behind him.  Suddenly Pennington was held tightly by his father’s cold robot arms.  ”I was alive and waiting for you this whole time!  And now I will kill you as I have dreamed of doing ever since you went against the order! AH HA HA HA HA HA!!!”

A piece of shrapnel then shot through Penbert’s robot eye and his head exploded in a shower of blood and electricity.  Pennington grabbed his bazooka and shot several chainsaws at his former friends.  Axem Yellow and Toadsworth ducked out of the way, but poor Zess T. wasn’t paying attention and was blended into a fine, bloody pulp.

“NO!!!” Toadsworth screamed, crying.  ”I loved her!”  He looked at Pennington, a fire in his eyes.  ”I’LL KILL-” but then a giant tear drop landed on him and erupted in flames and died immediately.

“Looks like things are starting to heat up!” Axem Yellow said.  He whistled through his sweaty fingers and his flaming demon stallion galloped into the fray.  He hopped on top and took the reigns (which were covered in BLOOD), pointing Serpentilius’s Shotgun at his former lover.  ”Come on, Pennington!  The Great Fire Flower is unstoppable and nothing can stop it!  Won’t you rejoin the Order and help us crush the Shadow Coup under our feet?  It can be… just like the old days…”

Pennington shed a single tear.  They used to go to the diner ever Sunday and Axem Yellow would get a hundred milkshakes and Pennington used to think it was so cute.  Oh, how he would love to go back and enjoy just one more shake!  ”I’m sorry…  We can never go back… You’ve changed too much, Axem Yellow.  I’m putting a stop to this right here and now!”  He pointed his bazooka at the Great Fire Flower.

“Stop!” said Axem Yellow.  ”That flower’s unstoppable!”

“BOO BOO BOOOOO!!!” the Great Fire Flower continued to cry its destructive tears.  There was no backdrop, no landscape, only flames.

“Oh yeah?” yelled Pennington.  ”Well, take THIS!!” He fired two chainsaws at the Great Fire Flower and it was sliced into pieces and died.

“SHIT!” yelled Grodus.  ”That really sucks!!! Hhhh….”

Pennington turned and Axem Yellow was charging at him.  Those tearful eyes showed nothing but remorse.  Pennington sidestepped his attacker and Axem Yellow stampeded directly into the flames and caught on fire.

“AAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!” he screamed.  ”Pennington!  Please!!”

Pennington looked at the pitiful display before him.  The once great and mighty Axem Yellow was being burned alive.  His eyes now expressed only one thing.  He desired a merciful death.

“I’m sorry!” Axem Yellow cried.  ”All I ever wanted was you!  You were… everything to me! But please… this fire really hurts a lot!  Kill me, Pennington!”

Pennington shed SO MANY TEARS and Aerith’s theme from Final Fantasy VII is playing in the background because this scene is really sad.  Whispering a goodbye, he shot a chainsaw at Axem Yellow who got cut into pieces and died with a smile.  The flames finally died down and once again, Tall Tall Mountain was ashes.

“Geez…” said Grodus, who had sat there watching the whole thing and it was really awkward.  ”That was fucked up…”

“Grodus… you’ve led the Order of the Crying Fire Flower into ashes…” Pennington said.  He pointed the bazooka at Grodus and fired as many chainsaws as he possibly could.

“BLAAEGAAAGHAHAGBLAAAGH!!!” screamed Grodus who died horribly.

“The Order of the Crying Fire Flower is under new management!” Pennington announced, lightning up a cigar.  ”This time… I’ll lead them to true salvation!  The salvation that only resides… behind the door!”  He pulled off Grodus’s shadow cloak and disappeared.

A single flower pedal landed on the ashes like a single tear from heaven.


Chapter Nine: Farewell My Goddess

When we last left Captain Toad, he had gotten himself stuck at the bottom of the Last Well with his trusty sidekick, General White.  Things were looking grim, as there was no way to for the duo to climb back up!  The shaft was also being filled with hot lava by Huff N. Puff and his gang of cronies, which was honestly just making things worse.

“Fuck!  Goddamn!” yelled Captain Toad, looking for a way out.  “There’s no way out! Shit!”

“W-w-w-what do we do!?” yelled General White, shaking with fear. He was very scared.

“UWAAAH PAH PAH PAH!!!” cackled Huff N. Puff as he signaled in yet another cement truck full of hot lava towards the Last Well.  “It’s curtains for you, Captain Toad!  You’re no match for hot lava!”

“WHAT!?” the two yelled from the bottom of the well.

“Oh,” Huff N. Puff said, realizing that the well was twenty miles deep.  “I SAID UWAAAH PAH PAH PAH!!!  IT’S CURTAINS FOR YOU, CAPTAIN TOAD! YOU’RE NO MATCH FOR HOT LAVA!” he yelled louder.

“FUCK YOU, HUFF N. PUFF!!!” Captain Toad yelled back.  “WE’RE GONNA FIND A WAY OUT OF HERE!”

“Gee, boss!  Things are startin’ to heat up down here! LITERALLY!!!” General White said, being careful not to step in hot lava.  “We gotta think of somethin’ pronto!”

“I know, I know!” Captain Toad groaned, furrowing his brow.  “Think, think, THINK!”

“LOOKS LIKE THE END OF THE ROAD, BOYS!!!” yelled Huff N. Puff.


“S… sorry…”

Captain Toad thought SO HARD and every precious second counted at this point. Temperatures were skyrocketing.  It was only a matter of time before they were toast.  It was sad too because Huff N. Puff was destroying a precious historical landmark in the process and he didn’t even care.  It’s just the kind of guy he is!

“I’VE GOT IT!!!” yelled Captain Toad, sweating profusely and beginning to blister from the heat.  “I know how we can escape!”

“Thank heavens!” yelled General White.  “But you better make it quick!  I’m not feeling so hot!” This was ironic because he was on fire.

Captain Toad pulled out the Fairie’s Conch that he obtained in his LAST thrilling adventure after a heated battle that ended with the extinction of the entire Bub-ulb race.  Remember?  It was a really good episode!  Anyway, Captain Toad blew on the shell and its melodic tunes rang out through the skies.  They were carried on the winds of fate miles and miles into the distance.  Somewhere far away, Parakarry was laying in bed with his beautiful wife, Koopie Koo.

“What’s wrong, my love?” whispered Koopie Koo, gently stroking Parakarry’s temple.

Parakarry smiled.  ”It’s just… every day I wonder how I got to be so lucky.  Most people wait an entire lifetime to find somebody like you.”

“Oh, P!” Koopie Koo said, kissing him on the forehead.  She stared passionately into his eyes, a calm smile on her face.  “I wish… we could stay like this.  Just you and me.  Without… well, you know.”

Parakarry closed his eyes and shook his head.  ”Don’t worry, love… Today is dedicated only to you.  I don’t even want to think about that foul-mouthed…”


It was the conch.  Parakarry stopped short and looked into the sky.  He was super conflicted.  He knew they needed him, but he just promised his wife that he would stay with her.  What to do?  Which side to choose?

“It’s them, isn’t it?” Koopie Koo growled, clearly frustrated.  “You’re going to go to them, aren’t you?”

“I…” Parakarry sighed.  He stood up and began zipping up his green pants.  “I’m sorry, Koo, you know how it is.  I made a promise.”

“A promise, huh!?” Koopie yelled and she screamed into her pillow and knocked a plate off of the end table.  “So you’re breaking your promise to me to keep a promise with them, huh? They’re more important than me, huh? That’s the choice you’re making? You’re choosing your job over love?  HUH?”

Shit!  Parakarry thought, putting on his eyepatch that let him see through walls and flossing his teeth.  ”No, it’s not like that!” he pleaded.  ”I love you, but I can’t abandon them! They could be in big trouble!”

“YOU’RE gonna be in big trouble if you leave me here alone!” Koopie yelled back, throwing a pillow at him, which sent him flying into the wall, which he was able to see through.  “I’m going to let you decide one more time!  Here is your ultimatum! You either stay here and we can remain blissfully in love, or you can help your friends and you’ll never see me ever again!! IT HAS TO BE ONE WAY OR THE OTHER!”

“Goddamnit!” yelled Parakarry as he packed a nutritionally-balanced lunch for the long journey ahead.  “You’re not making this easy!”

“I know!”

Parakarry looked at Koopie Koo.  So beautiful.  So pretty.  She was everything he could ever want in a woman.  She was perfect.  But as much as he wanted to stay and make this work, he knew in his heart that it wasn’t meant to last.  He looked away from her, tears filling his eyes.  If only… he thought.  But whatever happened, the prophecy always came first.

“Then I guess this is goodbye,” he whispered, opening the front door.

“You’re really doing it then!?” Koopie said, trying to hide her tears.  “Just like that, you’re throwing me away!?”

“Sorry, babe,” Parakarry said.  At this point he was crying like CRAZY and snot was like, oozing out of his nose and everything.  “I guess… I guess we were just meant to live different lives.”

“I’LL…” Koopie started, but broke down in tears herself.  “I’ll… I’ll miss you… P…”

Parakarry said nothing.  He simply nodded.  And then he took off, not looking back for even one second.  He was SO SAD. “Farewell, my goddess…”, he whispered to himself.  He didn’t have the courage to say it out loud.  Was this the right move?  Was it fair to leave without saying it?  He would never know…

Meanwhile, Koopie Koo stared out into the horizon.  A single feather from her former lover drifted from the heavens and landed square on her face.  She picked it up and hugged it tightly.  ”Oh, Parakarry… wherever you’re going… be careful… Farewell my goddess…

Parakarry continued flying in the direction of the call.  Hold on, captain! he thought, flying at twenty times the speed of sound.  I’m on my way!  You two… you two are the only thing I have left!

Parakarry landed next to the Last Well.  Huff N. Puff and some of his cronies were looking down the well.

“Huff N. Puff, you fiend!” Parakarry said assuming an excellent fighting stance.  “Where are Captain Toad and General White?”

“Dead, I think,” Huff N. Puff said, not looking up.  “It’s twenty miles down so we can’t really tell, but I’m pretty sure they’re dead.”

“CAPTAIN TOAD!!!” Parakarry yelled , looking down the well.  “I HEARD THE SIGNAL!”

There was no response at all.

“What did you do?” Parakarry asked.

Huff N. Puff scratched his head.  ”Well they got stuck in this well so we started pouring hot lava in it.  They stopped responding a few hours ago and we put a LOT of hot lava in there.  I just sort of assumed they’d escape?  It’s a really awkward situation and now we’re not sure what to do.”

“I have to save them!” Parakarry yelled, preparing to leap into the well.

“Whoa, dude!” Huff N. Puff said.  “Don’t do that! It’s hot down there! You’ll be cooked alive!”

Parakarry adjusted his eyepatch that could see through walls, pulled up his green pants, zipped up his purple wind breaker, and hopped onto the side of the well. “That’s just a chance I’ll have to take!” he said, winking at Huff N. Puff.  Huff N. Puff couldn’t see it because of the eyepatch.

“I’m serious!” Huff N. Puff yelled.  “You’ll burst into flames before you’ve made halfway down! It’s suicide!”

Parakarry smirked and dove headfirst into the well and everything that Huff N. Puff described happened to him.


Chapter Ten: Kolorado Amid the Ruins

Captain Toad looked over the ashen, bombed-out remains of Hollijolli Village. The spread of the Moon Blood Virus had reduced the vibrant community to shambling packs of feral husks. The mournful cries of the pandemic’s victims sent a cold chill down the Captain’s spine. He distracted himself from meditating on the tragedy of the husks persisting sentience by turning to his motley crew of survivors.

“Time for adventure!” he said.

“Captain Toad! This is hardly the time!” Flint Craigly said, gesturing at the gunshot body of Toadsworth, “He’s going to bleed out if we don’t find some medical supplies NOW!”

“Ohh no,” Captain Toad sighed.

“No, the Captain is right,” said Shadow Toadsworth, “We’re going to have to explore these ruins and hope we stumble across enough supplies to save him. There is no way we can get him to Mushbert’s lab in time while Bean Bean valley is flooded.

Captain Toad nodded and did a happy little hop.

“Damnation!” Chaos Toadsworth clawed at the sides of his head, sweating, “He’s dying! How can we waste time looking for meds that may not even be here! And what if one of those… THINGS get ahold of one of us?? We’re all going to die if we don’t get out here NOW!”

Shadow Toadsworth planted his legs firmly in the ground before slugging Chaos Toadsworth in the face as hard as he could with his fist. Chaos Toadsworth tumbled to the ground, clutching his bruised face.

“Snap out of it, you sniveling, worthless coward! We swore to each other at Delfino plaza after Cooper’s attack that we would see this through together, no matter what. No one else is getting hurt. You saw Captain Toad at Riverside station. He shivved the Chancellor and got us past his thugs without a single scratch. He’s not going to fail us now.”

Captain Toad nodded and did a happy little hop.

Kolorado sat on the petrified remains of Baby Rosalina, teasing the muzzle of his Vortex Rifle with his index finger. He sneered. “I don’t think the Captain has what it takes to lead us. Sure, he calls himself an adventurer, but where exactly are his credentials? I have a PHD in archeology, and years of experience adventuring! What does Captain Toad have that I don’t?”

“A head lamp,” suggested Flint Cragley.

“Also, a backpack,” Shadow Toadsworth added.

“Well,” Kolarado clicked his tongue, “I HAD both of those things prior to the pandemic.”

“Well, in the absent of those material resources, I suggest we curb this mutinous discussion until Toadsworth is safe.” Flint Craigly said.

“Fine,” Kolarado folded his arms.

“Let’s go,” said Pink Gold Toadsworth.

Flint Craigley volunteered to guard and tend to the incapacitated Toadsworth while Captain Toad and the others waddled through the crumbling ruins. They picked through the crumbling masonry in deathly silence, hiding in shadowed alcoves when the husks prowled, sprinting through the byways of the village. An hour of searching passed, and Captain Toad signaled while peering through his binoculars. The others huddled around him, squatting. “Look! I got it!” He pointed to the ruins of the shop. A single husk was ponderously pacing beside a first aid kit mounted to the wall.

“I’ve got this,” Kolarado slid down an embankment of debris, cocking his rifle on the way down.

“Wait!” Shadow Toadsworth tried not to shout, “You’ll summon the hordes!”

It was too late, as Kolarado unloaded a vortex buckshot straight into the husk’s cranium with a sharp pop. He pried the first aid kit from the wall just as a din of piercing shrieks deafened the square.

“HERE THEY COME!” Chaos Toadsworth wept.

The cobblestone clinked with keratin claws stampeding on spindly spider limbs. The former Toad residence of Hollijolli poured into the square by the dozens.

“Up top!” Captain toad rolled down the embankment with his backpack like a bowling ball, plowing straight into the husks as the mobbed around Kolarado. Captain Toad released his hidden wrist blades and whirled through the crowd carving bloody swaths. Kolarado was paralyzed in awe as Captain Toad brutalized the monsters as quickly as they joined the skirmish. In spite of the rising body count, there was no sign the husks slowing down. More and more crawled from every crevice and shadow as rapidly as they were slain.

“Come on!”  Pink Gold Toadsworth grabbed Kolarado by the hand, “we’ve got to go!”

“But… The Captan!”

“He can handle himself! We’ve got to go NOW!”

The two of them scaled the debris, hearts racing, and joined the others. They pulled their eyes away from the carnage and raced back to the clearing where the group had left Toadsworth and Flint.

“…Where are they? Craigley?! Hello!” Shadow Toadsworth began calling.

“Be quiet! Those things will hear you!” Chaos Toadsworth said, “Look. There’s a note.”

Kolarado bent low to pick up the fresh note scrawled with tidy print.

“What’s it say?”

“…Flint took Toadsworth. He betrayed us. He was working with the Order of theBrotherhood of Nightmares this entire time. Shit!” Kolarado shredded the note in his hands, the tears welling up.

“That… that can’t be. He swore with us we’d always be friends in Delfino!”

Kolarado couldn’t take it. He spiked the useless med kit into the ground and broke down crying on his hands and knees. His mind flooded with thoughts of his friends in danger. Toadsworth, Captain Toad, Baby Toadsworth, and Coach the Cheep Cheep from Mario Party Advance for the Nintendo Gameboy Advance. He slammed his fist into the dirt and muddied the ground with tears.

On the ground beside him was the last line of the shredded post script.

‘MIPS sends his regards.’


Chapter Eleven: The True Identity of Chaos Satan Revealed At Last

“You’ve come a long way,” Chaos Satan, who we can now call by his real name, BABY DONKEY KONG, said clapping his hands.  “Truly admirable.  Most people don’t make it this far…”

He spread his arms out wide in display.


Co-Star Luma spat out another mouthful of blood bitterly.  They had been so close.  So fucking close.  Shit!

“Tubba!”  Baby Donkey Kong, or Chaos Satan, snapped his fingers.  “Bring out the Chains of Remorse.”

“NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Co-Star Luma screamed, flecks of spit flying in all directions.  The time for dignity was long past, not when the Chains of Remorse were involved.


“Stop shouting,” Chaos Satan frowned. 


“That is very loud.  Please stop that.”

“Please , can you not use the Chains of Remorse on me.”



Tubba Blubba, a shell of his former self, brought out the Chains of Remorse.  The sinister links clanked as they were dragged along the floor.

“Let him go!” Captain Syrup screamed, struggling in Axem Red’s Hyper Barrier.  “We’ll tell you everything!  We’ll tell you Belome’s weakness!”

“You blubbering baboon!” Axem Red cackled.  “Everyone knows Belome’s only weakness is the Dark Sonata!  Hello, ding dong!  Anybody home?!”

Axem Red made a cruel gesture as if he were pressing an invisible doorbell that did not exist outside of Captain Syrup’s non-existent home.  By doing so, he forgot she was in the Hyper Barrier and his finger was chopped off by five lasers, along with the rest of his body chopped into little pieces shortly after.

“Eugh,” said Baby Donkey Kong, the Chaos Version of Satan.  “Tubba, sorry, can you clean that up, that’s nasty.”

“I’m still alive!” croaked the pieces of Axem Red.  “If you just gather me up and collect the Dragon Balls, I can be save-“

Tubba Blubba promptly threw the Axem Red pieces into the fiery lava of Hell.

“Now then where were we?” said Chaos Satan, although he actually knew the answer.  He was just pretending to not know to be mean.  “Oh, yes.  The Chains of Remorse.  Tubba!”

Tubba Blubba began to wrap Co-Star Luma in the Chains of Remorse, which was difficult because his hands were now katanas.  “Sorry, give me like two seconds, boss.”

The next day, Co-Star Luma was finally wrapped tightly in the Chains.  He could feel the remorse coursing through his steins (the star version of veins) and the utter hopelessness wash over him.

“Can you feel it?” Baby Donkey “Chaos Satan” Kong whispered.  “This is what Yoshi felt before he died too.  How fitting that his father should share the same fate.”

Co-Star Luma tried to focus on something else to take his mind away from the remorse.  All of a sudden, there he was.  His Special One…those tight overalls…that sexy mustache…that roboticized cock…  As he shriveled into a soulless husk, Co-Star Luma whispered his name.


Co-Star Luma died.  Man.

“Now then,” said Chaos Satan.  “It’s your turn, Syrup.”

“Not if I can help it!”

The ceiling burst into shards.  Luigi landed on the floor of the Chaos Chamber, wielding the Psionic Sword.

“Luigi!” said Baby Donkey Kong*.  “This is crazy!  Co-Star Luma was just talking about you like two seconds ago!  Life sure is wild sometimes!”

*Chaos Satan

“Syrup, are you all right?”  Luigi asked.

“I’m fine,” said Captain Syrup who during Luigi’s entrance had broken out of the Hyper Barrier, ripped off Tubba Blubba’s head with his own katana hands, and was now dribbling it on her knee like a soccer ball.

“Shouldn’t you be off kissing Prince Peasley?” taunted Chaos Satan.

Luigi’s eyes darkened.  “You know just as well as we do that Prince Peasley died before the events of this story took place so that he can never appear in Waluigi Handbag ever and because of Operation Clean Sweep, all of our memories of him were sealed in the Chaos Door, so he can’t even appear in flashbacks, because he was literally erased from all existence and space time.  You cruel son of a bitch.”

“What are you going to do about it?  This is the CHAOS CHAMBER.  I am CHAOS SATAN.  HOME TURF ADVANTAGE.”

“Things are about to change,” said Luigi. He pulled out a small poo-colored orb.  “The hierarchy of Hell will be overturned.”

“NO!!!  NOT THE G…”

Luigi lifted the poo orb into the air.


Luigi threw the Genesis Wave onto the floor, and it shattered.  Immediately, both Captain Syrup and Luigi were engulfed in a strong, cool green light.

“Goodbye, Chaos Satan,” said the newly reborn Chaos Luigi as he charged up a ball of green Chaos energy.  “Or should I say…just Baby Donkey Kong.”

The Chaos Beam fired and Baby Donkey Kong was shot one million miles out of the Chaos Chamber.  The speed of the blast was so fast that it shattered through the ceiling of Hell and sent Baby Donkey Kong flying through the atmosphere of space.

“What does this mean, Chaos Luigi?” said Chaos Syrup.

“All of Hell are now Chaos Disciples,” said Chaos Luigi triumphantly.  “With this newfound power, we’ll rally the denizens of Hell together, escape Hell, and get that Chaos Door open.  This is what Waluigi would’ve wanted.”

Meanwhile, as Baby Donkey Kong, formerly known as Chaos Satan, burned up in the atmosphere, he sent a telepathic message to his true master.

(It was all for you, my lord Belome.)

Baby Donkey Kong’s face turned to ashes.

(Or should I say…Chaos Belome.)

Chaos Belome’s eyes opened as he felt Baby Donkey Kong’s message.  He smiled the foulest of smiles, so foul that it could not even be described in prose.

The Mega Man universe was also affected by the Genesis Wave.


Chapter Twelve: New Memories of the Legends

Rip Cheato stood in front of the Reset Grapes*.  ”Looks like things have gotten out of hand,” he said, shaking his head. “Got no choice but to eat these grapes.” He ate them, wincing with each bite. “Wow, these don’t taste very-“

“I am a cook and I love to coooook.”

Tayce T. bustled about in her kitchen, cooking delightful foods because she was a cook. Tayce T. liked to take recipes from people and cook food for them because cooking was her specialty as a cook. She cooked good.

“If only I had a Dried Pasta and a Koopa Leaf,” Tayce T. said cheerfully to herself. “Then I could cook Koopasta!”

Just then, the door swung open with so much force. The Master walked in honorably. He was the fighting martial arts master sensei at the Toad Town Dojo. The Master sat down dramatically.

“Hello, Tayce T.”

“Hello! I’m cooking!”

“What are you cooking?”

“I’m cooking a Shroom Steak, which is made from a Life Shroom and Mushroom!”


Just then, the door swung open with so much evil force. Tayce T. stopped cooking and turned around.

It was Kammy Koopa. She was a Magikoopa dressed in purple clothes with glasses. She’s a bad guy.

“Nya ha ha ha!” Kammy Koopa snickered. “Look outside, you two! Bombette is being consumed by the darkness!”


Tayce T. and The Master ran outside. Bombette wasn’t becoming evil, because she wasn’t being consumed by the darkness.

“BOMBETTE!” Tayce T. cried.


“What are you doing?!”

“Nothing in particular.”

“Okay,” said Tayce T., who turned around in time to catch Kammy about to make a grab for her delicious meal which restores 30 HP and 10 FP.

 “Isn’t it horrible?” Kammy laughed, although she was really mad that she didn’t get to eat the Shroom Steak. “Nothing makes sense anymore, right?” Kammy was bouncing up and down from the excitement.

“Everything still makes sense,” The Master said, confused.  “Bombette is out there having fun and being a good guy.  Looks pretty normal to me!”

Kammy leapt out of her chair, tripping over her robes and falling on her face. Then she got up and ran outside to see for herself.  “BOMBETTE!”


“What are you doing?”

“I’m just hanging out, jeez.”

“This doesn’t make sense!” Kammy yelled. “The Dark Influence is supposed to be making you turn into a bad guy! Right now! I don’t understand why it’s not working?”

Tayce T. and The Master looked at each other and started laughing uproariously.  “Good guys? Become BAD GUYS?” They laughed and laughed and laughed.  “What an absurd notion!” they added in perfect unison.

“Why… isn’t the Dark Influence working?” Kammy said, sweating profusely. She fell to her knees. “What am I supposed to tell the boss?”

“Aww, yeah! Hey hey, DJ!” said a familiar voice.

“Look, here comes Jimmy T.!” Tayce T. yelled excitedly.

Jimmy T. moonwalked down the street into Tayce T.’s home while yelling “come on, come on!”

“How about a Kooky Cookie, Jimmy?” Tayce T. said excitedly, searching for Cake Mix and a Koopa Leaf. “They’re your favorite, right?”

“Aw, yeah!” Jimmy T. said.

“Jimmy!” Kammy yelled, crawling in through the window, drenched in sweat and panting. “You can’t be here! Did anybody see you!? Nobody can know where you are, have you forgotten!?”

“Young Jimmy can go wherever he wishes,” The Master nodded sagely.  “He is a strong young man and there is much he is capable of.”

“Did somebody say Kooooooky Cookie?” Kooper said, walking into the room to thunderous applause from the audience.  He was carrying a large scythe. “I was just tending my garden!” he said, placing the scythe down harmlessly on a stool.  “Growing Maximum Tomatoes from the Kirby universe sure is haaaaard work!”

“My… my dreadlord?” Kammy said, having lost all of her hair from the stress of the situation.  “P… please… tell me this is some kind of joke?”

“Golly, are you addressing me?” Kooper said, laughing. “Dreadlord, huh? That’s a new one! Picture me being a dreadlord! Ha ha ha!”

“Ha ha ha ha!”


“Ha ha!”

“NO!” Kammy yelled, pulling out a gun. “IF YOU WON’T TURN EVIL I’LL MAKE YOU TURN EVIL!”

“Oh my god!” yelled Tayce T. ducking behind the counter. Kooper hid under his chair, screaming, while The Master put his hands up and backed away from Kammy slowly.

“Woooooow!” said Jimmy T., still eating his cookie.

“Please, let’s all calm down,” The Master said, his voice shaking. “What do you want from us? We are but simple good guys trying to make a living.”

Kammy shot The Master in the head, killing him instantly. Tayce T. let out a shriek and Kooper started crying.  “I can’t believe the two of you, sitting here acting like everything’s all fine and dandy!  The Prophecy clearly states that you’re both to become really evil and powerful and stuff! YOU!” she yelled, pointing her gun at Kooper. “Didn’t you find the Swirling Vortex? The Prophecy said last Saturday you were supposed to get sucked into it!”

“We had to cancel due to the rain!” Kooper yelled, peeing in his pants.  “So did the penguins!  Nobody went on any expeditions last Saturday!”

Kammy stared emptily at Kooper, slowly letting her firearm lower.  She was completely pale.  “Everything is different,” she whispered before dropping dead.

“Anywho,” Kooper said, hopping out of his seat. “We rescheduled the vortex thing for today, so I guess I’ll be off to do that, then! Hope nothing crazy happens!” He left to go do that.

Tayce T. got a call.  She answered. “Hi, I’m a cook! Oh, hi Pennington. What’s that? You want me and Bombette to go check out the Dark Influence? Okay, sounds good.” She hung up and left to go do that.

Jimmy T. set down his cookie, a stoic look on his face. “Now I must go into hiding,” he said.  “Nobody can know where I am.” He left to go do that.

For the next ten years, the events of the story played out exactly as told previously.

Rip Cheato stood in front of the Reset Grapes*.  ”Looks like things have gotten out of hand,” he said, shaking his head. “Got no choice but to eat these grapes.” He picked up the grapes but his head was quickly sliced off by Kooper, who was visiting the Vortex on the anniversary of his becoming a bad guy, which was now on a different day than it was in the previous iteration of the universe.

“It’s time to stop playing games,” he growled, licking the blood off of his INFERNO SCYTHE, a powerful weapon created by temporarily fusing his Vortex Scythe with one of the Inferno Gauntlets.  “We have to destroy the Shadow Koo. We have to erase their existence from this world.”

“I’m scared!” said Punchinello, who now had neon green hair, which is the only remaining thing different about this universe. “Do you suppose we can do it?”

“Yeah, we should be good,” Kooper said, swinging the INFERNO SCYTHE dramatically and creating a dark portal.  “I just learned where their headquarters is. Let’s go kill some Koos.” They leapt through the portal.

And now the battle has truly begun.

* The Reset Grapes also affect the Mega Man universe.


Waluigi FANBag!

Everybody LOVES Waluigi Handbag!  Everybody wants to make contributions to the legacy of Final Destination Mushroom Enigma: The Shadow Koopa Darkness Prophecy of Destiny: The Downfall of the Two Kingdoms: Volume One: Part One: The End of Days.  Unfortunately, you will never influence the story or anything that happens in it.  But there’s hope!

The Waluigi FANBag is where we acknowledge those of you who love all things Waluigi Handbag!  Anything related to the famous and popular masterpiece but isn’t part of the main series will be featured here! For everybody to see wow!  

Here is a list of stuff YOU the reader have contributed!


Wario Handbag, by Blue Boo


Wario Handbag

Wario sat in his chair. The rain pounded on the thatched roof of his tower. The record player was stuck on a loop, but the effort required to stop it was simply more than the man was willing to expend. Every night. Each and every night the same.

When was the last time anything made sense? When did everybody start killing each other? Since when did his life involve great wars and emotional sacrifices and relics of unimaginable power? The life Wario once had made sense. He was greedy and generally unpleasant to be around, but it was those familiar traits that had endeared him to those around him. Did Mario hate him? Did Luigi and Peach and the whole gang despise his presence? No… He was a part of that whole gang, and during those days, he was truly allowed to be himself.

Wario chose to isolate himself after everything fell apart. To continue trying to make sense of this new world would be completely fruitless, Wario reasoned. Wars? Death? Robotic appendages? No, Wario had no place in a world like that. Especially not a world without…

Wario threw his hand to his face, groaning a low, miserable noise. Don’t think about him, he thought. Don’t think about that world. That world is gone now and it can never come back. This is your world now. This is your tower and this is where you spend your days. So why, then, does he waste time with these unwanted guests? Why does he listen to the stories they have and the pointless banter they come to share? And that kid… Where had he seen that kid before? It didn’t matter. The star stone was gone now. Wario no longer had any right to call himself the chosen one, whatever the hell that was ever supposed to imply.

The chosen one… How exciting it was to hear those words for the first time! Some grand adventure surely waited on the horizon! Before that day, Wario was a joke, but perhaps, for the first time in his life, he would be somebody worth caring about. Maybe he wouldn’t be the crazy garlic guy for once, but some kind of… hero? Of course, none of that happened. It was all a chaotic mess and at the end of it all, Wario wound up losing the one thing he would give every piece of gold and every star in the night sky to salvage.

Too much wizard beer, Wario thought, downing yet another can at a startingly rapid rate.

You could have saved him…

And there it was. That thought that had continually and relentlessly haunted Wario for the past decade. Wario had no idea what he could have done. Maybe he truly was powerless to stop the chain reaction that concluded with the untimely death of his beloved. After all, compared to those other guys, Wario had no power of his own. He couldn’t fire chi through the palms of his hands, or fly around just by thinking, or put into practice some majestic and forbidden form of ninjitsu. He was just a burly man with a mean punch. But… maybe that could have been enough.

It was because of this legendary sacrifice that the Shadow Koo’s recent activity infuriated Wario so. For the past ten years, Wario could at least justify his loss with the simple truth that it brought the chaos to an end at last. Lives that had previously been lost were miraculously returned and some semblance of order could finally be established. He was a martyr, Wario thought.

But it’s happening all over again. Organizations are forming, just as they did then. People are killing each other. Completely senseless. So what about the noble sacrifice, then? Did it really put a stop to anything? Did it really save any lives? No, of course not. Wario realized now that he had been a fool to ever think it would change things. No, it was merely delaying an innevitable return to chaos. A twig jammed in the gears of fate, only able to halt its nefarious mechanisms until the moment it is snapped in two and the prophecy is once again allowed to have its way with the world.

Wario suddenly heard the wind howl much louder, the rainfall more audible than before.

Is that damned door open again?

Wario threw his can aside and slowly, pathetically pulled his own weight from the seat in which he had spent every day moping for the past ten years. His joints were hesitant to cooperate, struggling under the pressure of Wario’s outrageous physique, which had grown only worse throughout the duration of his self-induced exile. With a shaky hand, he held a firm grip on the side table for support, managing barely to hoist himself to a proper standing position. In that moment, Wario felt about twenty years beyond his age.

Opening the door from his room confirmed what he had suspected to be the case; the damned door was open again. How many flights of stairs was it to the bottom? Oh, that’s right, it was two thousand on the nose. Was it that wind that blew open the door this time? Or perhaps it was an assassin, arriving at last to put an end to the shriveled remains of Wario’s miserable existence. Maybe Chuck Quizmo was just fucking with him. If Wario had a say in who he’d be neighbors with for the rest of his life, Chuck Quizmo would be at the very bottom of his list. He just could not stand that little shit.

Down, down, down he went. Further and further and further into the darkness as the cacophany of natural forces grew louder and louder and louder. In moments like these, Wario wondered why he ever thought hiding himself at the very top of a gigantic wizard tower was a sound idea. Out of all the people in the world he hated, Wario probably hated himself the most. Every decision he ever made seemed intricately engineered to come back and haunt him in the future.

At last, the staircase met the ground, and Wario stood before the world outside. A world that was absolute chaos. A world that hadn’t made sense for a very long time. A world that was so very, very loud at the moment. All Wario had to do was keep that damned door closed. He wanted absolutely nothing to do with anything or anyone who existed outside of his home.

With an obnoxious creak, Wario dragged mighty doors shut once more. Carefully and methodically, he fastened shut the numerous locks he had installed on the damned thing. Let’s see the wind pick locks, Wario thought to himself.

A quick glance around assured Wario that nary an intruder was present in his world. Not unless they’re using some sort of invisibility glove or whatever the hell was out there. No, that’s impossible. Those kinds of things don’t exist in my world…

And back up the staircase of misery, one step at a time. Slowly, so slowly, Wario began his return to sweet isolation. No more guests tonight, Wario sighed. Just Wario time.

His peace of mind was broken. The door creaked once again, and Wario turned to see the outside world forcing itself to be seen once more.

“WHA!?” Wario shouted, stomping down the staircase yet again. “Who’s out there!?” He shouted into the storm. “Where the hell are ya!?”

No response. Wario scowled into the world which had no place for him. Somebody from that world was interfering with his solitude. Some child playing a prank. How dare they? The one and only thing Wario wanted from the world was to be left out of it, and to be denied even this simple luxury? It was unforgiveable. Wario was unable to contain his raw, primal rage.

“KEEP AWAY FROM HERE!!” he screamed into the unmoving darkness. “THIS IS-A MY WORLD! WARIO WORLD!! GO AWAY, DAMMIT!!!”

And the rain continued to fall. His outrage was met on deaf ears. He was going to kill them. Whoever it was, whatever organization they were acting on behalf of, he was going to destroy them fully. He took one step closer to the doorway, squinting into the darkness for a sign of the culprit. And he found it. A fuzzy silhouette in the near distance, staring back at him. Wario took a startled step backwards, fear befalling his face for one vulnerable instant. Immediately, his rage took control once again.

“YOU!!!” he screamed. “I SEE YOU OUT THERE!!!”

And the mysterious person took off running. The tower was surrounded by ocean, there was nowhere for him to run. Wario knew he could catch him. He had plenty of time to wrap his hands around the neck of that little…

But Wario hesitated. How long had it been? This tower had been his entire life for a decade. What would even those first few steps present to him? It was unfamiliar and it was terrifying.

As though having been pushed forward by an unseen spectre, Wario bolted into the unknown, the foreign slap of rainfall bombarding him from head to toe. Already an unfamiliar and unpleasant sensation. Wario looked around him for a sign of the intruder, finding his shadow once again in the distance. And so Wario took off, screaming some incoherent string of curses and wretched exclamations. He swiftly closed in on his target, rolling up his sleeves and clenching his fists tight.

“Yer DEAD, punk!” Wario shouted. “I don’t care who you are or what yer here for! I’m-a gonna end yer life right here and now!”

In that moment, the intruder turned just enough that Wario could make out some of his features. Tall, lanky, a confident posture, and a long, dastardly nose.


It was a figure Wario was sure he recognized. It could be nobody else but him. Wario, mouth agape, stepped closer to the man. He had to be sure. He had to see him clearly with his own two eyes.

“Come,” the figure whispered, turning closer to Wario.

Wario no longer had any doubt. He stuttered quietly, his name unable to escape Wario’s lips. A name he had not dared speak throughout his miserable existence. A name that had meant everything and now meant nothing. The name he could give to the entire world he once loved.

“Wa… Wa…”

Wario was silenced immediately as the figure plunged into the violent monstrosity of a sea that had been rightfully called the Waters of Madness. Wario, moving only on instinct, ran forward. He was right here, thought Wario, charging at full speed towards the figure’s position. He’s right here!

Completely unaware of who he was or where he was, Wario flew into the sea after his beloved and his entire being was immediately devoured by its thunderous waves. He was neither sinking nor floating. Each of his senses fell silent as Wario was overtaken by unknown forces. In that moment, for the first time in so long, he was able to clearly envision that man. He could see him, tennis racket in hand, waving mischieviously towards Wario. At last, Wario thought, a genuine smile warmly decorating his face. I see you at last… my Waluigi.



The Chaos Witch Darkovkar hurled six thousand magical lightning bolts and two fire orbs at the Magical Wizard Army that was trying their very best to stop her.  Countless lives were obliterated in an instant.  The Elder Dragons wept, powerless to tip the scales in the favor of mankind, for that horrible witch had in her possession the Big Cup. To face her now at the peak of her power would surely be dragon suicide.

“You will not defeat me, probably!!!” the Chaos Witch Darkovkar cackled, tossing a wizard grenade at an unlucky band of Magical Wizard Soldiers. “You see this Big Cup that I have?  It’s mine and now I will never be defeated!”

“We’ll stop you!” cried the bravest little soldier, pointing a big knife in her direction.

“ARACHNO TURNINTOBULO” she replied, casting a spell that turned the soldier into spiders.  Several of his fellow troops threw down their weapons and fled in terror as a handful of spiders crawled all over.

“This ends now, Darkovkar!” cried a young beauty with silky white hair and a BIG eyepatch, wand pointed threateningly at the Chaos Witch.  It was General Krishmiss Snowbell, the most powerful wizard of her generation.  “We will never surrender!”

“Don’t be foolish!” cried some of Snowbell’s most loyal and dedicated followers, who were crying SO MUCH.

“Don’t worry…” Snowbell smiled, giving them a reassuring thumbs up.  “As long as we hold onto hope, we won’t be frightened by the most evil witch of all time!”  She resumed her gaze on Darkovkar.  “You hear me, Chaos Witch!?  We’ll never surrender!”

Darkovkar shot a rock with magic and it exploded.

“Aaaahh!! We surrender!” Snowbell cried.  “You’re definitely too powerful, I didn’t know you could do that!” She turned back to her troops.  “I didn’t know she could do that!”

“AND NOW!” said the Chaos Witch, waving the Big Cup around threateningly and shooting more magical explosions into the sky.  “MY MOST DEVIOUS TRICK OF ALL!”

“No!” repeated Snowbell.  “Stop, and don’t do that! You win!”


“We already stopped!”




“Don’t drink from the Big Cup, Chaos Witch!”

The Chaos Witch Darkovkar took a long swig from the Big Cup.  The Big Cup did not hold any liquid but the way you activate it is that you drink from it like you would from a cup that has a drink in it. So that’s why she did that.

“BOOOOO BOO BOO!!!” cried the Elder Dragons as the world was surely about to end.

But the world did not end.  On the contrary, the moments that immediately followed that fateful sip had been the most peaceful the Wizard World had seen in the eighty thousand years since the Chaos Witch Darkovkar first came to power.  General Snowbell stared wide-eyed as the sizeable  drinking vessel of unknowable magical potential landed harmlessly on the ground with a sharp clank.  The self-proclaimed Queen of Nocturne Shadows (nobody else called her that) had vanished entirely.  The storm clouds parted and the sun shone bright and everything was okay now.

“Oh,” said Snowbell, stepping forward to pick up the Big Cup.  She looked inside and underneath and inside again but the Chaos Witch wasn’t there.  She turned to face the shambles of her army that remained standing and shrugged her shoulders.  “What a mystery!”

Her troops agreed that it was a very good and interesting mystery.

“We’ll have to keep this Big Cup locked away somewhere safe,” she said.  “Somewhere no little magic boy will ever find it or be able to solve the big mystery, which would honestly just be the worst case scenario.”

“I know of a wizarding school!” chimed an elderly dwarf of a man supported by his magical cane with a bleeding skull as the handle.  His nose was hooked like a beak and his eyes were perpetually bloodshot.  With his free hand, he tenderly shook what must have been twenty or thirty dice. “It houses a great many dangerous and mysterious secrets, many of which have never been discovered by the children who inhabit it!”

“Who are you?” Snowbell asked, confused.  She looked to her fellow soldiers.  “Who is that?”

“Montgomery Murderdeath,” he grinned, offering a polite curtsy.  “You can always trust me!”

“Okay that’s fine,” said Snowbell, delicately passing the Big Cup to her new friend, Montgomery Murderdeath.

“Yessss… Goooood…” Murderdeath hissed, carressing the cup and licking his lips lustfully.  “You’ve made the right choice, indeed!”

“I’m just happy to know that the cup will be safe and protected and will never be used for evil again,” Snowbell nodded.  “Just where is this magical school, anyway?  What do people call it?”

With some frightful outburst that was something between a cough and cackle, Montgomery abruptly flung his dice into the air.  They glimmered in the sunlight for a breathless moment as they rained back onto the ground in perfect synchronization.  Like a machine, Montgomery Murderdeath’s eyes darted rapidly between each cube, and within three hours he had finished counting.  Fifty nine.  With a gleeful laugh, he clasped his hands together delightfully and, with a surprisingly booming voice, named the cup’s new home:

“The Douglas P. Wilson Memorial Wizard Educational Institution (Shelbyville Campus)!”


As the tale came to its conclusion, tiny little Joshua Milton frowned.  He liked this story even less every time it was told to him.

“Uncle, why do you keep telling me this awful story? This is the fifth time today, and I feel perhaps one time would suffice.”

Uncle Horbert glared at Joshua from the top of the cellar stairs. “Because I know you HATE it. I want to remind you of how your father died.”

“But my father isn’t mentioned in your story at all,” Joshua said.

“Yes he is!” Horbert spat. “He was the bravest soldier with the big knife!”

“He was?” Joshua scratched his head. “Oh. Geez. You should’ve mentioned him by name then.”

“He was turned into hundreds of spiders!!”

Joshua groaned. “Yes, I know! You told that part already. I wish you would stop. It has become very annoying.”

“Listen here, you little shit! I don’t need your sass! You’ve been nothing but a burden for me ever since both of your parents died in gruesome and mysterious ways! I have done my best to raise you, and have received no compensation for it besides all of your enormous inheritance!”

“Sorry uncle,” Joshua said, feeling bad about how hard it must be for Horbert. “I didn’t mean to upset you. If I behave, may I go outside today to play?”

“No!!” Horbert said, shattering his glass of expensive wine on the floor. “Get back to work! You must dig up more diamonds for me! Lots more! Bring me enough that I may bathe in them, or else no more food for the week!”

“Okay uncle Horbert,” Joshua said. “I love you.”

Uncle Horbert slammed the door and set multiple deadbolts, and reset the retinal and handprint scanners. Joshua felt good knowing that his uncle was upstairs to protect him. He strapped on his mining helmet and toddled off dragging his pickaxe into the sprawling diamond mine located beneath his uncle’s solid gold mansion. Every day Joshua tried his best to dig up as many diamonds as he could for his uncle, but it was very difficult because Joshua was so tiny. His little arms could barely lift his pick axe, and his legs were so short he couldn’t reach the gas pedal for the fusion powered drill tank. Still, Joshua did his best because if his uncle Horbert did not receive a steady supply of fresh diamonds, he would not be able to afford to keep Joshua.

Joshua hoped that one day, if he worked hard, his muscles would get strong enough that he could become the bravest soldier like his father, or like his mother, who was the world’s most muscular lawyer. Thinking about this, Joshua wondered if drinking from the Big Cup from his uncle’s dumbass story would make him strong like his mother and father. It was Joshua’s dearest wish to be just like his parents. Although he hoped he would never get turned into hundreds of spiders like his father, or be sealed inside the Orb of Screams like his mother.

Wanting to make his dead parents proud, Joshua summoned all his strength to lift his pickaxe into the air, and slam it against the wall. With a crack, the wall burst open and flawless rubies poured out all over the floor.

“No!” Joshua yelled. His uncle needed diamonds, not useless rubies. Frustrated by how useless and weak he was, he curled up on the floor to weep.

“I’m free!!” said an unfamiliar voice. Joshua wiped away his tears, and saw a demon crawl out of the hole he’d made in the wall. He had scaly purple skin, long pointed teeth, and a cool dragon tattoo on his chest. “Tiny, miniature Joshua Milton! I am Bothersnatch, the demon! I have been sealed inside that prison of rubies for thousands of years for committing terrible hell crimes! Because you have released me from my torment, I will grant you any wish you desire!”

“I wish to drink from the Big Cup!” Joshua said. “That way I can have big muscles and make my parents proud!”

“Oh.” Bothersnatch said. “You… Wow. You didn’t even hesitate. Didn’t even pause to think if that was the optimal way to get big muscles. Okay.”

Joshua felt embarrassed. “Was that a bad wish?”

“No, no!” The demon held his hands up. “It’s just… I could’ve just given you big muscles right now by snapping my fingers. But I guess we’re both committed to this whole Big Cup thing with hell magic because you didn’t even want to discuss it first. Whatever. Hold on, let me figure out how we’re gonna do this.”

Bothersnatch whipped out his phone, and paced around the mine trying to get a cellular signal.

“What’s the wifi password here?” he asked.

“Diamonds,” Joshua said. “All caps.”

After a couple minutes, Bothersnatch had a plan. “Okay, so, the Big Cup is at some dumb school for wizards. We’re going to have to murder your uncle to escape and get there.”

“What?!” Joshua said. “But I love my uncle!”

“Well, too bad.” Bothersnatch looked super annoyed. “The only way to destroy the force field around this mansion is to kill him! It’s tied to his life force. And we got to get this wish granted in a few weeks or else both of our souls will be swallowed by hell magic!”

“This sucks,” Joshua said because he didn’t want his soul to be consumed by the powers of hell.

“Yeah! Well, if SOMEONE had put two seconds of thought into their wish, it wouldn’t be a problem.” The demon was scrolling through his social media feed. “Oh! One more thing. You’re the one that has to kill him. I’m still too weak.” He gestured at the gemstones on the floor. “Because of the rubies.”

Today was shaping up to be a really weird day for Joshua.


“And then she cast a spell that turned him into spiders!!”  Uncle Horbert cackled between heaping mouthfuls of foie gras.  He paused for a moment in deep thought, and continued with a coy smile.  “Also, an addendum regarding that soldier; he was Henrick Milton!!”  He laughed mightily and signaled to the creaky wooden bench where Joshua was seated.  “The boy’s father!!”

“Our brother-in-law!!!” joined Uncle Plart, waving filet mignons in the air with great fervor.  He was a short man who, with the exception of monstrous caterpillar eyebrows, possessed not a single hair on his entire head.  He wore a gaudy mustard-colored suit encrusted with diamonds.

“HA! What a jerk!” screamed Aunt Crickery, stabbing a knife into one of her sixteen lobster tails.  “Ooh, I’m a big hero!  Oh no, now I’m spiders!!”  Aunt Crickery was as thin as a skeleton and wore a literal taxidermied peacock draped over her shoulders.

The three cackled merrily as the tale was revisited for the twelfth time that evening.  Spilling aged rum all over his meal in his uproarious laughter, Uncle Horbert shot a glance towards his tiny, tiny nephew.

But Joshua hadn’t seemed to have heard Horbert’s new contribution to the story, as he was lost in thought, picking at his paper plate of uncooked rice.

“Hmph, yes!” Horbert cleared his throat, thoroughly disappointed.  “Perhaps we shall resume the tale after dinner.”

“Horby, my dear brother,” Aunt Crickery said with a smile, revealing an entire top row of diamond teeth.  “How is the diamond mine faring these days?”

Horbert stood at the table, proud to make his big announcement.  “My dearest siblings, I realize we’ve been just barely scraping by for the past several years…”  He wiped a bit of caviar from his moustache with a napkin made of fine China silk.  “But our worries shall soon be over!  Tomorrow, a representative from Good Diamonds Incorporated will be coming by to inspect our diamonds!”  He grinned and bowed as the other two applauded.  “If all goes well, he’ll be purchasing every last diamond in the vault!”

“Whoopie!” Uncle Plart cheered, throwing diamonds into the air like confetti.  Everyone winced as the sharp gemstones rained back on top of them.

Joshua continued poking at his meal, trying to come up with a plan.  He felt a sudden tug at the hem of his trousers, and Bothersnatch poked his head from underneath the tablecloth.  He was nudging an ornate crossbow excitedly towards Josh.

“Get out of here!” hissed Joshua, kicking the demon back. When he looked up, he saw that this little stir had drawn the attention of his uncles and aunt.  “Uh, sorry. I’ve just got… diarrhea.”

Uncle Horbert stared him down, red in the face.  “Most importantly,” he said through gritted teeth.  “We shan’t have any meddlesome little boys ruining it for us!”

“I won’t interfere,” Joshua assured him.  “I can see this is very important to you and I really hope it goes well!”

“I shall make SURE of it!” Uncle Horbert decreed, slamming his fist onto the table and sending several pieces of fancy china crashing to the floor.  “I’m keeping you locked in the mines until we have this deal signed in ink!  Not a peep out of you until then, you hear me!?”

“Sounds perfectly reasonable,” Joshua agreed, ignoring the bottle of cyanide an anxious demon was fervently shaking at his feet.

“Good!” Uncle Horbert said, pointing a stern finger at Josh.  “In fact, your very presence is spoiling this monumental occasion!  Take your dinner and get back to the cellar this instant!”

“And dig us some more of those diamonds!” Aunt Crickery giggled.

“I enjoy diamonds a lot!” said Uncle Plart.


As the final locks securely fastened behind him, Joshua entered the cellar to find an impatient Bothersnatch tapping his phone with enormous concentration.  He heaved a heavy sigh as soon as the tiny child approached.

“I don’t think you understand the gravity of our situation,” Bothersnatch growled.

“Listen, I can’t just–”

“Hang on, kid,” the demon interrupted.  “I’m going for a Full Combo here, hang on.”

Josh waited anxiously.  The cellar was silent except for the peppy J-Pop song playing from Bothersnatch’s mobile device.  About thirty seconds passed.

“Damn, lost it,” Bothersnatch complained.  “Okay, what were you saying?”

“Listen, I can’t just murder my uncle!” Joshua protested.

“Of course you can just murder your uncle!” Bothersnatch turned off his phone and hopped to his feet, pointing the crossbow at Joshua.  “What are ya, some kind of pacifist? I thought you wanted to be a soldier or something?”

“My father was a soldier,” Joshua clarified.  “And even if I follow in his footsteps, it’s not like I can just go around killing people! I think I can reason with him!”

Bothersnatch bit down into his own arm and let out a muffled scream.  He shot Josh a frustrated and confused look.  “What is wrong with you humans?  Demons kill each other all the time! It’s GREAT!!”

“I can just tell him I want to go to wizard school,” Joshua suggested.  “If he knows it’s important to me, he can let down the force field, and-”

“Okay, let me stop ya right there, kiddo,” the purple demon whipped out his phone and scrolled through some websites.  “I did a little Googling, okay?  So let me just clue you in so you know what we’re dealin’ with here.  Registration for this particular magic school closes in TWO DAYS!  We miss that window, we’re screwed! Tiny skeletons eating your eyeballs forever because YOU made the world’s stupidest wish!”

“You said it was a good little wish!”

“I was bein’ COURTEOUS!!” Bothersnatch caught himself projecting.  He paused, put his hands out, and breathed a heavy sigh.  “Tell ya what… Okay, yeah, fine, you can try to convince this uncle of yours to enroll you in this school before tomorrow’s up… But if you don’t!”  He handed Joshua the butt of the crossbow.  “We gotta bust out in a blaze of gory death!”


Oxwald Manderlie worked for Good Diamonds Incorporated and was the number two ranked diamond inspector in the greater Shelbyville city area. He took enormous pride in his skill as an inspector, but was haunted each and every day by the fact that he wasn’t ranked number one. That honor was reserved for his arch nemesis, Bernard Crowley, who was the renowned throughout the county for his sales acumen and garish taste in ties. Oxwald hated Bernard with every fiber of his being, but he took comfort knowing that things were about to change. If the purchase of the Milton family diamond vault went without issue, he would become the number one ranked inspector. Soon that asshole Reginald would be put in his place, and have to deal with the humiliation of being second best.

“Thank you for coming on such short notice,” said Plart, as he ushered

Oxwald deeper into the mansion. “We have so many diamonds, and we need you to buy all of them!”

“Yes, obviously.” Oxwald rolled his eyes. “But only after a fully certified inspection of quality.”

“Do not worry!” Horbert said, wringing his hands. “We would never take advantage of someone with so much money!”

Crickery ran ahead of them and threw open the vault. Hundreds of thousands of diamonds flooded out the door, burying Oxwald up to the waist. He fanned his fingers and selected a specimen from the top at random. He gave it a good sniff, a little lick, weighed it is hand, and then nodded approvingly.

“Yes,” he said. “This is definitely a diamond.”

Crickery, Horbert, and Plart all smiled, cackled, and huddled together licking their lips with excitement. This was all behavior Oxwald was accustomed to seeing in his diamond suppliers.

“So you’ll buy ALL of the diamonds??” Crickery said.

“I see no reason not to, barring any last minute crisis.”

A klaxon alarm went off. The entire mansion went to emergency backup power, with flashing lights. A panel reading DIAMOND EMERGENCY lit up on the wall.

“Is something wrong?” Oxwald asked, wondering what this might mean.

Horbert looked terrified. “It’s nothing!” He rushed over to a control console and slammed the intercom button.

“Joshua! You disgusting, awful child! I told you not to make a peep! What is going on?! Why did you sound the alarm??”

“Uncle!” The voice coming out of speaker must’ve belonged to an extremely tiny child. “There’s something wrong sir! With the diamonds!”

“What did he just say?” Oxwald stepped over. “There’s a problem with the diamonds? This could impact our deal.”

“Don’t listen to him!” Plart shrieked. “His parents are dead!!”

Oxwald considered this. “While that does throw his credibility into question, I cannot risk my reputation as a diamond inspector. I must insist that you show me your diamond mine so I can verify this is a false alarm.”

The three of them exchanged nervous glances. Hesitating, they hurried over to the entrance to the mine and disengaged the numerous locks. At the bottom of a long stair well, they found the tiniest little boy Oxwald had ever seen.

“Uncle Horbert! Aunt Crickery! Uncle Plart! It’s terrible! Oh! It’s dreadful! Please come quick!”

Horbert was so angry he could hardly breathe. “I swear on your dead parents, if you’ve done anything to the diamonds, I will strangle you!”

Concerned, Oxwald bent down to meet the delightfully miniature child. “Tell me what’s happened. You can trust me. I’m the second highest ranked diamond inspector in the Shelbyville area.”

“Sir! There diamonds are being haunted! By ghosts!”

Something came out from around the corner. At first glance, it appeared to be a tall and skinny purple man with a sheet draped over him. Plart, Crickery and Horbert all recoiled in fear at the sight of it, and cowered behind Oxwald. His companions being paralyzed with fright, Oxwald had no choice but to summon his courage and take a bold step forward.

“Apparition!” He said. “What are you! What are you doing here.”

“This plan is stupid,” the ghost said.

“Come on,” the little boy said. “You promised to try.”

Groaning, the ghost shrugged its shoulders. “Yeah. I’m a ghost. I’m haunting the diamonds.”

It was all Oxwald could do to stop himself from fainting. “If the diamonds are haunted, that means I won’t be able to go through on the deal!”

“No!!” Crickery clawed at her face. “You must! We need the money!!”

“But wait!” Joshua said. “There’s a way we can fix this!” He waited, as if expecting someone to speak. Then he nudged the ghost with his elbow.

“Oh.” The ghost said, and cleared his throat. “If a young boy, like the one that happens to be before you, were to become a powerful wizard, then surely he would be able to banish back to the Chaos Realm forever.” The horrid specter pulled out a touch screen cell phone, and read something off it. “But he has to trained specifically at the Douglas P. Wilson Memorial Wizard Educational Intuition here in Shelbyville.”

“Fine!” Horbert said, and grabbed Oxwald by the lapels. “If we exorcise this ghost, will you buy our diamonds?”

“Yes,” Oxwald said. “I believe that would be reasonable.”

Horbert spat on the tiny boy. “Joshua, you horrible orphan! I have decided you will attend this wizarding school immediately! You must learn to vanquish this revenant to save us from financial ruin!”

“Yipee!” said the little boy.

“I can’t believe this is working,” said the ghost.


“An education,” Horbert grumped, straightening his bright magenta necktie that was covered in dollar signs.  “The stupid orphan boy is getting an education!”  He applied a full jar of wax to each half of his moustache, the unruly hairs submitting themselves into an elegant curl.  “Never thought we’d stoop so low!”

“But Horby, think of the diamonds!” Crickery said shakily, adding another cigarette to the three already jutting out of her mouth.

Horbert mumbled some profanity under his breath, fastening his lime green trousers that he wears all the time. He straightened his top hat, affixed his monocle, dusted off his suit jacket, and filled his diamond fanny pack with some road snacks in case he got hungry on the way.

Oxwald knelt very, very, very low to meet Joshua’s gaze.  “Not to worry, my boy!  Dougie P. Wilkins is an excellent school, and they’ll take very good care of you!  As a matter of fact, I have three wonderful daughters entering their first year as well!  I’ll make sure they treat you with utmost kindness, because I really need this deal to work out!”  Oxwald could already hear Bernard’s stupid condescending chuckle.  He visibly shuddered at the thought.

“You’re very kind, Mr. Manderlie,” Joshua said gratefully.

“Oh, by all means, call me Oxwald!” the diamond-purchaser insisted with a smile.  “I really hate being called Mr. Manderlie. I just… Man, I hate it so much. Don’t ever call me that again.”  There was an awkward moment.   “Oh, and, uh… Word of advice, Josh…” He leaned down close, a great challenge for an average-sized man like Oxwald. “Stay away from the Snakeothies.”

“Boy!” Horbert interrupted, striking the ground with his cane that, of COURSE, had a comically-oversized diamond as a handle.  “Let’s get this over with!”

Joshua straightened up his backpack, pocketed the single penny his uncles and aunt had given him for supplies, and looked up at Uncle Horbert, beaming.  “Ready when you are!”

Before Horbert could extend his bright magenta glove to reach for the doorknob, a horrific scream echoed from the kitchen.

“Uncle Plart!?” Joshua yelled, panicked.

The group ran to the kitchen to find Plart cowering on the floor, having dropped the giant wheel of fresh parmesan he’d hoped to enjoy privately.

“It’s… it’s the thing!” Plart muttered.  “The g-g-g-g-ghost!!!”  He pointed a shaking finger at the ghost, who was attempting to sneak a casserole dish of lasagna.

“This, uh…” Bothersnatch stammered, darting his eyes for a window to escape to.  “This ain’t what it looks like.”

Crickery fainted on the spot, landing at the last second into Oxwald’s agile diamond-buyin’ arms.

Uncle Horbert, on the other hand, was anything but afraid.  He narrowed his eyes, stepped forward slowly, and clutched his cane tight.  “Ghosts. Don’t. Like. Italian.”  He growled, glowing red like a Christmas tree light.  “Everyone knows that, don’t they?”

Bothersnatch dropped the lasagna, which shattered on the ground and made a huge mess. “Oh, I mean, yeah, gross!  Didn’t want anything to do with that cheesy, garlicky goodness! Wait, shit, I mean… Boo!”

“AAAAHHHH!!!” said Uncle Plart.

Horbert did not slow down.  “Ghosts. Don’t. LIKE.  Italian!”  He gripped his cane so hard that the diamond handle exploded into bits.  “So if you’re no ghost… Then what the hell are you!?”  He lunged towards Bothersnatch and ripped off his sheet.  To Horbert’s surprise, there was no man underneath; only a purple mouse scurrying away into some hidey-hole.

“What the devil just happened?” Oxwald asked, mouth agape.

“A RUSE!!!” Horbert screamed, bearing down on poor, tiny, Joshua.  Before the boy could react, he was hoisted over his uncle’s head like one of the turnips from Super Mario Bros. 2.

“No, wait!”  Joshua pleaded.  “Let me explain!”

“Really now!” Oxwald called out, following as Horbert carried Joshua into the cellar.  “There’s no need to be so rough on the boy!”

Uncle Horbert rolled Joshua into the mine like a bowling ball.  “What kind of idiots do you take us for!?”  he roared, stomping steadily towards him.  “Haunted diamonds!?  Heavens, what were we THINKING!?”

As Joshua struggled to get up, the mouse scurried up to him, holding a large knife in his teeth, which he laid next to the boy.  “Sorry, kinda shat the bed on that one,” it said.  “Time for Plan B.”

“What, were you trying to ESCAPE?” Horbert yelled, almost laughing.  “Did we not love you enough!?  Did we not provide you exactly enough food for you to not starve to death!?  Did we not go through trials and tribulation to make sure you had no boring free time!?”

“I’m… I’m sorry, uncle…” Joshua cried.

“Look here!” Horbert rushed back to Oxwald, grinning a demented grin and digging a fistful of diamonds out of his front pocket.  “My diamonds aren’t haunted a bit!  My diamonds are perfect!!!”  He pressed the diamonds into Oxwald’s face, who recoiled in horror.  “YOU SEE!?  YOU SEE ANY BLOODY GHOSTS IN THERE!?!?! BECAUSE I SURE DON’T!! HA HA HA HA HA!!!”

“P-please, sir,” Oxwald said, crawling back from the madman.  “Let’s all settle down and discuss this over tea, yes?”

Horbert didn’t seem to have heard him.  He was still giggling like a small child, drunk with diamond mania.  “SO HOW ABOUT IT!?” he yelled into the open air of the sprawling mines.  “ANY OTHER GHOSTS HIDING IN HERE!?  ANY SPOOKY SKELETONS OR GHASTLY GHOULS PEEPING AROUND THE CORNER!?”  He was hyperventilating.  “NOT A SINGLE ONE, EH!?  THAT’S WHAT I THOUGHT!!”  He turned to face the others again just as Plart and Crickery were fumbling their way downstairs to join them.  Both froze on the spot, pale in the face, wide-eyed, and visibly shivering.  “What’s wrong with you two!?” he yelled to them, waving his diamonds in the air.  “We’re gonna be RICH!! MONEY MONEY MONEY!!!”

“What… the devil…” Plart whimpered.

“…is THAAAAT!?” Crickery pointed and shrieked.

Horbert turned around to find a gigantic skeletal abomination hovering over them.  Inky black tendrils spread throughout the room and the temperature dropped to near-freezing.  Its eyes sparkled brilliantly like diamonds and blood drooled steadily from its gaping maw. 

It was the scariest fucking thing Joshua had ever seen.


Bothersnatch hated transforming into giant skeletons. It always wore him out and he had only just woken up from his ruby jail a couple hours ago. He almost wished the stupid kid hadn’t set him free.

“HEY,” he said, his voice modulated by the screams of the damned. “I’M A GHOST. ALL THIS STUFF? REALLY GHOST LIKE. THIS MINE IS HAUNTED. SO, YEAH.”

Oxwald stepped forward and adjusted his waistcoat. “Well, I think that settles the matter, Horbert. The mine appears to be haunted after all.”

“Are you joking?!” Horbert shrieked. “You can SMELL the garlic on that things breath! This is a trick!”

Bothersnatch cursed his personal weakness for a well baked lasagna. It was really throwing a wrench in their escape. He tried spraying them with gallons of ectoplasm through his nose holes, but the kid’s uncle still wasn’t buying it.

“Now that you mention it…” Oxwald wiped his face with a handkerchief. “This spectral slime does have a distinct ricotta cheese flavor to it.”

“Hold on!” Joshua said. “I know this looks weird, I’m sure if we all calm down, we can talk this out and come to an agreement that the giant ethereal skeleton monster is definitely the result of ghost haunting.”

“Like hell!” Horbert said, and punted Joshua across the mine. He pulled out a gold plated magnum and cocked it. “I don’t know what this thing is, but I’m not letting it affect our stock performance! Hands where I can see them!”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa!” Bothersnatch held up his huge, skeletal palms. “Let’s not get crazy here! I didn’t mean to upset you!”

“Shut up!” Horbert fired off a diamond bullet and grazed Bothersnatch’s enormous skull. “Get out of my mine or I’ll kill you with my extremely expensive gun!”

Bothersnatch had never been more scared in his entire life. Being this close to death made him wish he had made different choices. He should’ve told Kate he loved her. He should’ve gone to vocational school like his mom said. Maybe if he’d just stuck with his dream to be a professional wedding photographer, he never would’ve been jailed for hell crimes.

A minecart barreled down the mineshaft and collided with Horbert. With a gargling shriek, the corpulent old human tumbled across the mine onto his back.

“Oh no!” Joshua said, sprinting from the minecart control panel. “Uncle Horbert has been struck by a mine cart possessed by ghosts!”

Crickery, Plart, and the Oxwald all gathered around the body of Horbert.

“Is he dead?” Crickery said, horrified.

Oxwald bent down, and prodded Horbert’s leg with a finger. “Hello?” he said, and received no response. “HELLO?” Again, nothing. He stood up. “I’m sorry. It appears Horbert is dead and is beyond the point of being saved by all medical science. Furthermore, it appears the mine is definitely haunted, for real this time.”

Plart and Crickery gasped, covering their faces and wailed in grief. Oxwald ambled over to Joshua, who seemed visibly upset.

“If I’m going to be buying any diamonds from this mine, I will need you to exorcise this giant spectral skeleton nonsense like we previously discussed. Otherwise I’ll never show up that fuckhead Bernard.”

Joshua sniffled. “Is my uncle going to be okay?”

“What?” Oxwald said. “No! He’s extremely dead, and nothing will ever change that. Now run along and gather some things. I’ll drive you to the school myself. There’s no time to lose!”

Bothersnatch shrank away into the shadows, and met Joshua in his bedroom, which was just a corner of the mine with a blow up pool floaty for a bed and a box with some clothes in it. Joshua was cramming what he had into a grocery bag.

“Hey! Good job killing that guy!” Bothersnatch said. “Really showed that jerk who’s dead.”

The kid was in tears. “I didn’t want to kill my uncle! I just wanted him to stop threatening you! You’re my only friend in the whole world, and I was scared he might shoot you.”

Bothersnatch looked at Joshua with surprise. “Your only friend?” He put a hand on his shoulder. “Wow. That’s so pathetic.”

Oxwald came ambling over, and Bothersnatch threw his sheet back over his head before he was discovered.

“Are we ready to go now?” Oxwald said.

“Yes…” Joshua said, hanging his head.

“Hey, uh.” Bothersnatch leaned in. “Can I catch a ride too?”

“I don’t see any reason why not,” Oxwald said.

Together they left the Milton family estate, and piled into Oxwald’s beat up old minivan. Without further ado, they drove off toward the Douglas P. Wilson Memorial Wizard Educational Institution.


Now is the part where we get to talk about Wizard Traffic.  It is, in a word… zooky.  Confident in their magical abilities, magic people eschewed rules and regulations and encouraged creativity when it came to reaching one’s destination in a timely manner.  While unaugmented automobiles were still used on rare occasion, most preferred to ride fantastical magical creatures, enchant objects into sprouting legs and jogging, pilot magnificent dirigibles and flying machines at street level, fly around on broomsticks creating horrible magical obstacles for fellow commuters to overcome, and so, so much more.

Oxwald was old-fashioned.  He would not budge an inch until every seatbelt was fastened, he frequently used his turn signal even though nobody was looking at it, and was perhaps the last wizard in existence to regard road signs as more than weaponry in impromptu “Road Wars Like in Mad Max”, to which they were commonly referred.  Commuting to work was a daily gamble with his own life, but he took great pride in how inconceivably lucky he’d thus far been in driving a motor vehicle at exactly the speed limit amid the chaos.

“Your aunt was impressively quick to sign the necessary paperwork for your enrollment,” Oxwald said, turning a slight left to avoid crossfire as an ice dragon and fire dragon dueled for highway superiority.  “Said that selling the diamonds is what your uncle… er, the dead one, that is… would have wanted.”  He paused for a moment.  “Terribly unfortunate, him dying, and all.”  He pondered for another moment.  “Rip.”

Joshua had been uncomfortably silent during the ride, as he was reminiscing over a photograph of his lost uncle signing a deal that ultimately cheated several small businesses into bankruptcy for his personal gain.  He was a pretty okay caretaker at least, Joshua reasoned.

Bothersnatch watched silently out the window, plugged into his Bluetooth earbuds.  Like Joshua, he was failing to provide stimulating conversation.

After a few daring leaps over demolished bridges and Tokyo-drift style swerves to avoid wanton lightning bolts, Oxwald finally paralleled his minivan neatly between a snoozing manticore and a bona fide rocket ship.  They had arrived at an unassuming warehouse in a shady part of town where an enormous crowd of paparazzi were gathered, with some fans holding up posters with drawings of diamonds.

“Now Joshua, this, er… Isn’t the school, but you will be taken there via fantastical and mind-boggling means,” he explained.  “It’s really incredible and whimsical and amazing,” he promised.  “An unforgettable experience for any child!”

“What’s with these losers?” Bothersnatch asked of the crowd, finally removing himself from an enrapturing podcast detailing the accomplishments of each of the Wizard Presidents throughout history.

Oxwald blushed and adjusted himself in the rearview mirror. “Ah, well, I’m something of a local celebrity, you know?”  He pointed to a silver badge he wore on his jacket, a diamond engraved with the number two.  “For my inspection skills!”

The three exited the vehicle and Oxwald approached the fans tenderly.  “Settle down, now!  Oxwald Manderlie has arrived, one at a time!  One at a time!”

“Oxwhat Manlywho?” said a man with a big camera.

“You know!” Oxwald said, taken aback.  “The diamond guy!”

“Sorry, bub,” the camera man gruffed.  “We ain’t here for you.”

“What!?” Oxwald said, glancing nervously at Bothersnatch and the tiny, tiny child.  Neither were impressed.  “Who the devil could be more famous than the second-best diamond inspector in the Greater Shelbyville Area!?”

“Well good afternoon there, Mr. Manderlie,” came a wretchedly familiar voice that induced a physical cringe on Oxwald’s face.  “Busy day carrying on a sub-par performance inspecting diamonds, yes?”

Oxwald wretched as the crowd parted and a beautiful blonde gentleman adorning an enormous golden diamond badge on his chest stepped forward to greet the three of them.  Though he and Oxwald were of the same age, this stranger looked to be at least twenty or thirty years younger.

“I’ve just purchased one billion diamonds on behalf of the company,” the beautiful man bragged with a subtle smirk.  “Have you purchased one billion diamonds as well, Mr. Manderlie?”

“Hello, Bernard,” Oxwald grumbled, not making direct eye contact.

“And then,” Bernard Crowley continued, lavishing in the disgust of his counterpart.  “I became acquainted with several beautiful women, in the biblical sense.  How many women this entire year have you been acquainted with, Mr. Manderlie?”  He chuckled to himself.  “In the biblical sense.

“Thought that spoiled brat of yours was already moved in,” Oxwald said, crossing his arms.  “Have you been waiting here to make fun of me?”

“No, no, my dear second-rate friend,” Bernard smiled, shaking his head so subtly.  “It’s actually a wonderful twist of fate that we’ve met like this.  I’ve now the opportunity to congratulate you personally.”

“Congratulate me?” Oxwald narrowed his eyes.  “What for?”

With a heavy sigh, Bernard removed the golden diamond and tucked it delicately into Oxwald’s front pocket.  “For being the number one diamond-inspector.  Well done, old friend!”

Oxwald took the badge out and threw it on the ground.  “What sort of prank is this?” he said, making a big show out of stomping the badge.  “What happened to selling one billion diamonds?”

“My dear Mr. Manderlie, you’ve earned this title by default,” Bernard explained, watching Oxwald’s childish outburst with great amusement.  “As of this day I’m retiring as a diamond inspector, you see.  I’ve sort of…” He looked up to the sky, searching for the words.  “…completed that job.”

“No!” Oxwald yelled, falling to his knees and pulling at his face.  “I can’t become number one and never get the satisfaction of defeating you!  Arrrgh!”

Joshua finally chimed in.  “And what will you be doing now, Mr… Bernard?”

Bernard knelt down and smiled sinisterly at the child.  “Now, let’s use proper manners, you very small, impressionable young mind.”  He extended a hand to Joshua.  “From henceforth you shall refer to me as Professor Crowley.”


CHAPTER TWO: First Day Orientation

Oxwald pulled Joshua up the stairs of the Transportation Ziggurat, fuming. How could Bernard just quit the diamond inspection business? Did their rivalry mean nothing, after all these years? What was so special about teaching that he would throw away everything before Oxwald had the chance to defeat him once and for all with this enormous diamond purchase?

“Mr. Oxwald, sir, you are crushing my hand.”

He stopped. “It cannot be helped. Your hands are just so small and brittle that it is impossible not to. Anyway, we are here.”

Pushing the automated handicap door opener, the gates of the pyramid swung open to reveal a massive complex filled with every wacky form of transportation imaginable. There were buses, cars, bicycles, hang gliders, subway cars, magic carpets, riding griffins, and maybe like five other things. Joshua seemed too preoccupied with his crushed hand to notice how impressive it was, so Oxwald decided to explain.

“Welcome, Joshua, to the central artery of all movement within Shelbyville! Here we have every magical form of transportation known to mankind! This is where you will make the final leg of your journey to your new school.”

Joshua stopped being a wuss long enough to be amazed. “Wow. Why are there so many different ways to travel?”

“Well,” the terrifying ghost said as it followed them inside, “wizards are extremely faddish and they have to come up with a new zooky way to get around every couple weeks or they get bored.”

Oxwald glared. “Okay. That’s rude.”

“Which method am I going to use?” Joshua asked.

Oxwald ushered the child onto a cat walk overlooking a giant furnace. He pointed into the towering flames spewing out the top.

“This is the latest and greatest form of magical teleportation!” He ignored a snide look from the ghost. “I will simply hurl your miniature body into the flames, and you will be whisked away to the school.”

“That sounds really scary and dangerous,” Joshua said.

“Nonsense!” Oxwald said, picking Joshua up over his head. “All that will happen is that the flames will burn your body down to tiny molecules, which will twirl through the air all the way to the Dougie P. Wilson, where all the little burnt pieces will reassemble into your body again. I think, anyway. I don’t know how it works exactly, but I’ve been assured it’s extremely scientific.”

“I don’t like this!” Joshua said. “Please, can we go a different way?”

“Stop whining! I need you to get to the school already so I can get around to buying those diamonds! In you go!”

“Uh, hey, diamond guy?” The ghost pointed at a sign, which in small print requested that no one jump inside of the fire. “This isn’t the transport furnace. This is the trash incinerator.”

“It is?” Oxwald was terribly embarrassed. “Oh my. I almost made a tragic mistake. Then where’s the one for traveling?”

They turned around and found an identical flame pit on the other side of the cat walk. This one had a big sign with a pictograph of a man jumping inside the fire with a smile on his face and a big thumbs up.

“Oh. There it is.” Oxwald hurled Joshua into the fire before he had a chance to complain. The kid screamed like he’d never had his flesh melted before, and exploded into a shining assortment of whimsical floating motes which escaped through the ventilation system on their way to the school.

The more Oxwald thought about the school, the more he imagined Bernard being the best teacher on the campus. The notion made his skin crawl. He realized there was only one logical choice to make.

“I’m going too,” he said. “I will not let Bernard go uncontested! I will become number one teacher at the school, and then that smug bastard will finally be put in his place!”

“Oh.” The host looked up from his phone. “So you’re going to jump in too?”

“What?” Oxwald said. “No! I hate this thing. It is extremely painful! I’m just going to drive there. It’s only like two blocks away.”

“Can I catch another ride?”

“Yes, obviously.” Oxwald marched back toward the entrance. “It would hardly be courteous to refuse.”


Joshua Milton strained to open his eyes.  It was very bright and very warm. So warm, in fact, that Joshua felt as though his flesh were melting off of his bones. It was very uncomfortable indeed!  In between uncontrollable screams, Joshua managed to catch a glimpse of the world around him.  It was very bright and orange, but there was a distinctive figure very close by.

“Hello Joshua,” it called in a calm, soothing voice.

“AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!” Joshua responded, curiously.

“Who am I?” the stranger replied with a chuckle.  “Think of me as your guardian spirit, Joshua.  I’ve been watching over you for a long time and it’s time to pursue your incredible destiny.”

“AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!??” Joshua asked skeptically.

“Why, because I have to bestow upon you my great wisdom!” the stranger answered.  “We only have a short time, so I’ll make it brief.  I’m going to teach you about the Founding Principles of True Strength.  Are you ready, Joshua?”

“AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!” Joshua said with great determination.

“Good!  Now, the first Founding Principle of True Strength is the principle of big muscles.  One must have big muscles to be truly strong, Joshua.”

Joshua nodded, waiting for his guardian to continue.

“Well, that’s all of the Founding Principles of True Strength,” the guardian said, probably nodding sagely.  “Armed with this knowledge, you will go on to destroy the Chaos Witch Darkovkar for good!  Good luck, it’ll be really hard!”

“AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!” Joshua said, suddenly bolting upright to find three raven-haired girls hovering over him.  In an instant, they scattered clumsily in every direction.  It was difficult to tell, but they all seemed to be identical.  Triplets, perhaps.  Before he could size up the situation, an elderly woman with glasses that made her eyes appear to bug out approached him at an alarming speed and pressed a magnifying glass up to Joshua’s face.

“Hmmm!!” she hemmed, methodically prodding, poking, shaking, and inspecting the tiny boy.  “Only a few second-degrees, you’ll be fine!”  She decided, pulling Joshua up to his feet (an astoundingly easy task for even such a frail lady as herself).  “Move along now!”  She scampered away to some children who were still on fire, shaking her head disapprovingly.

Joshua looked around to find a sea of young magic children proceeding up the gigantic staircase that lead to the golden gateway that lead to the esteemed Dougie P. Williams (Shelbyville Campus).  While some had taken the same horrible route he’d chosen, Joshua observed griffins dropping students from their incredible beaks, students appearing in clouds of ninja smoke, and several clambering out of Cold War-era nuclear submarine that had emerged from the nearby river.  It was very whimsical.

“Hello!” called a voice belonging to a young boy.  Joshua turned to find exactly that, a child with puffy brunette hair, freckles on his cheeks, bright green eyes, and a respectable number of squirrels frantically scampering on his person.  “You look confused! Are you a first-year as well?”

“Oh, yes, I am,” Joshua replied, scanning the area for any sign of the girls he’d awoken to.

“Aha!” the boy said, lifting one of his furry friends and holding it in front of him.  “Thaddeus sniffed you out!  He has a sixth-sense for weakness, it’s really amazing!”

Joshua caved to this unwanted distraction.  “I’m sorry, what?  What are you talking about?”

“I’m a first year too!” the boy said proudly, tucking a frothing and screaming Thaddeus safely into his front pocket.  “The name’s Wilfrit!  Wilfrit Pippers!  You look like you could use a BEST FRIEND!!  Would you like to accompany me to get Orientated?”  He gave a little thumbs up.

“Oh, I, uh…” Joshua stammered as the boy enthusiastically extended a fur-covered hand for shaking.  “Okay… Okay, yeah, hi, I’m Joshua Milton.” As he grabbed Wilfrit’s hand, one of the squirrels immediately darted onto Joshua and fumbled its way into his pants.

“Oh my!” Wilfrit gasped.  “It seems Mischievia has taken a liking to you!  Would you like to carry her around for a while?  She’s very friendly!”

Joshua frowned at the extremely uncomfortable sensation of a rodent twitching about his undergarments, but decided to entertain this new stranger all the same.  “Did you take the horrible furnace thing as well?  It was the worst thing that’s ever happened to me.”

“Oh, that?” Wilfrit said, looking horrorstruck as the unconscious figures of three more children erupted out of the furnace.  “Oh, Jesus, no!  I took the Kitten Carriage!”  He motioned towards a bright pink carriage that had just arrived.  The doors opened and a young girl tumbled out, covered in adorable kittens.  She was red in the face from laughter.

“Oh,” Joshua said, ignoring the creature now crawling up along his ribcage.  He looked around for something else to take his mind off of it.  Then he saw one of the girls from before, staring curiously at him from the golden gates of Dougie P.  Who were they?  What did they want with him?  Were they a part of his magical destiny or whatever the hell?  She and Joshua made eye contact for a brief moment before she took off further into campus.  “Wilfrit, did you see those girls who were staring over me?”

“Oh, yeah, them…” Pippers replied, breaking eye contact.  “I, uh… I think you were robbed?”

“What?” Joshua, confused, dug around in his pockets.  Then he froze.  The single penny he’d be gifted by his dead uncle was missing.


Oxwald snatched his freshly printed resume out of the library printer, and proof read it to be certain the font was pleasing enough for the job he was applying for. He grimaced at how much he embellished his credentials. In truth, Oxwald only had 40 years of experience in the diamond inspecting industry as opposed to 70. Normally Oxwald was morally opposed to lying under any circumstance, but this was an emergency. He just couldn’t fucking stand the idea of Bernad being a success at an entirely new career without any competition.

Storming across the school campus, Oxwald burst into the principal’s office waving his resume. “I demand a job!”

The principal awoke with a snort and sat up at his desk. “Oh. Hello.” He wiped the crust from his eyes. He looked ancient, with a snow white beard pouring all over the place and so many wrinkles it was difficult to discern where his actual facial features were. “I don’t believe we’ve met. My name is Maynard Jaffles, I’m in charge of this dump. Is there something I can do to help you?”

Oxwald slammed his resume down on the desk with a flourish. “You are going to hire me for your best and most important sounding teaching position!”

Principal Jaffles put on a pair of spectacles and squinted at the resume. “I thought we already filled the advertised position,” he said. “That dashing Bernard fellow earlier this week. That’s right.”

“Well, surely there are other positions that need to be filled!” Oxwald said.

“Well, now that you mention it, there is.” The old man stroked his beard. “Just this morning, our Magical Self-Defense instructor was brutally murdered by a mysterious and unknown assailant.”

“What luck!” Oxwald said. “The cosmos have aligned in my favor.”

“Well, not really,” Jaffles said. “We go through Self Defense teachers like popcorn. Seems like every month we have to hire a new one. You’d think given the job description that they’d be better at defending themselves against the forces of evil. Are you any good at fighting the legions of evil?”

Oxwald hesitated. It had been a long time since he’d been in wizarding school. “Is it anything like assessing the relative value and quality of large diamonds?”

“Oh no! Not at all!” Jaffles laughed. “Quite the opposite, actually. There’s nothing the Chaos Witch and her demon hordes like quite as much as large diamonds. It’s the source of their power, after all.”

“I definitely knew that already,” Oxwald said, sweating bullets. “Because I am exceedingly qualified for this job.” He was confident that, if he had to, he could leaf through a textbook and pick up the general idea in an afternoon. 

The principal nodded. “That’s good to hear. I really didn’t want to have to interview anybody for a job that is basically a death sentence anyway. The job is yours if you want it. Can you start today?”

“You got it!” Oxwald said, and they shook on it. “Flawless sale!” He added, which was his catchphrase whenever he cinched a diamond deal.

The burst burst open a second time, startling both Oxwald and the principal this time. In charged a disheveled looking man in a diamond studded suit.

“Horbert?!” Oxwald said. “I thought you were dead!”

“No, you blithering idiot!” Horbert shouted. “I was slightly bruised, is all! And for your information, there aren’t any ghosts in my diamond mine! It was just a demon, which is a totally normal thing for a diamond mine to have! I demand you buy all of my diamonds right now!”

Oxwald scratched his chin. “I’m afraid I’m no longer in a position to do that. I just changed jobs. I’m now a teacher here at D.P.W.S.C.”

“Whaaat?!” Horbert lashed his cane around the office, knocking over a fax machine and spilling paperclips everywhere. “Then I demand you return my slave nephew to me this instant! I can’t have him here learning things when he should be at home working!”

Oxwald felt superbad about this mix up. “I’m sorry, old friend. I already faxed the paperwork over for his admission.”

“Oh!” Jaffles said. “Is this about that Milton boy? I already stamped off on his enrollment. I’m afraid he’s now fully enrolled and it will be literally impossible for him to leave. Because of magic.”

Horbert screamed, and kicked over filing cabinets and tore portraits off the walls. After he winded himself from his tantrum, he paused long enough to think of something. “Then I have no choice! I will have to enroll in classes alongside him and make every day of his life a living hell! I will make that child pay for what he did to me with blood and tears!”

“Okay,” Jaffles said. “I’ll get you an enrollment application. Your timing is impeccable. If you hurry, we can get you into the sorting ceremony and we can assign you a school house.”


The moment Greedy Unky Horby finished signing his wicked name in golden ink from his magical golden quill, the three men were brought to their knees by a piercing scream.  Somewhere nearby, Wilfrit’s squirrels joined the screams in some sort of twisted disharmony while Joshua felt an abrupt stinging pain in his ears.  Because it was loud.


Just as suddenly as it had started, the screaming stopped.  While Horbert and Oxwald were left shaking in terror, Principal Jaffles merely rolled his eyes and allowed his lips to flutter as he breathed out a heavy sigh.

“Okay, so, that’s been a thing,” he shrugged.  “Professor…”  He squinted at Oxwald’s application.  “M… Mandy? Mandy, you’d better come along with me.  As the Self Defense teacher you are solely responsible for the protection and wellbeing of every living thing on campus.  As for you, little Horbert,” Jaffles smiled as Uncle Horbert wiped the sweat off of his brow.  “You’d better run along to orientation!  The faculty will take care of this!”

Uncle Horbert didn’t hesitate to obey, waving his arms in the air screaming something to the tune of “I’ll get that little orphan boy yet!”

“Er, before we go,” Oxwald interrupted, awkwardly.  “Is it alright if my assistant comes along?”  He whistled to the door.

Bothersnatch entered the room.  In compliance with the school’s very strict KILL ALL GHOSTS Policy, Oxwald and Bothersnatch had fashioned a clever disguise;  on top of the spooky ghost’s head was an awkwardly-fitted top hat, and a moustachioed face had been crudely drawn onto the sheet with a Sharpie.  “Uh… Heya, my name is… Um… GREG?” Bothersnatch mumbled with a bow, careful to hold tightly onto the hat so as not to give away their ruse.

Jaffles furrowed his brow and studied GREG very, very carefully.  “I’d hardly expect you to teach about the dark arts without an assistant,” he agreed.  “Come along then, GREG.”

Principal Jaffles lead the two down a long, dusty corridor, gliding on his Razor scooter deep in thought.  Oxwald and GREG giggled and high-fived at how clever their little scheme was.

“What’s the plan, J-man?” said Rodney the Magical Talking Razor Scooter.  “That witch’s screams were quite a fright!  The kids will be kept up all night!”

“I know, Rodney,” Jaffles said with a sigh.  “We’ll figure something out.”

“So where’s your money on this year’s HOUSE WAR?” Rodney asked as the four delved deep into the magical hedge maze.  “Snakeothy always wins, what a bore!”

“Actually,” Jaffles smiled, expertly solving a 9×9 sliding panel puzzle of a choo choo train.  “I’ve got my eye on Funbuncher this year.  I’ve got a good feeling about their odds.”  A secret chamber opened up.  Oxwald and his loyal assistant GREG followed silently, basking in the mystery of the garden’s numerous block puzzles and segmented statues that had been rotated in the incorrect order.

As they approached the Top Secret Treasure Chamber, a figure wrestled in the darkness in front of them.

“Uh oh, that fuckhead Murderdeath is here,” Rodney scowled, dropping his fun rhyming quirk.

Before them stood a slender man shrouded in a black cape, with locks of hair as shiny and black as oil draped over his shoulders.  His goatee was trimmed to a sharp point and he had eyeliner liberally applied.  The man was attempting to shove a writhing hand back into a big cup with the blunt end of a broomstick, shouting obscenities as he did so.

“Morning, Murderdeath!” Jaffles greeted, ringing the tiny pink bell affixed to Rodney’s handlebars.

Murderdeath groaned as he finally popped the wicked hand back into the Big Cup. “Sir, I implore you,” he said a low, smooth tone.  “You must allow me to teach the children how to protect themselves against dark magicks. You’ve no idea what’s at stake!”

“Calm yourself, Betrayus!” Jaffles chuckled, doing some donuts on his cool scooter friend.  “I must have you here as my vice principal, so you can make sure that I am protected personally!”

“She smelled diamonds,” Betrayus Murderdeath growled, displaying the Big Cup to his audience.  “I’ve told you, Maynard, time and time again, we must not allow one single ounce of that wretched gemstone to breach these walls!”

“Oh,” Jaffles muttered.  “Hmm, yes, I think there might be diamonds on campus.”

Oxwald was nervous, because literally every pocket on his person contained a sizeable quantity of diamonds at all times.  “I… I believe one of the students had a diamond suit,” he stammered, smiling nervously as Murderdeath stared daggers into him.  “Must have… you know, set the old bat off! Perhaps I shall go seize his assets!”

A bell tolled.  Crows were startled out of position and flocked off into the the horizon in a loud cacophony.  A tense wind disturbed the hems of Oxwald’s pantlegs and commanded Murderdeath’s cloak to dance around him.  Betrayus’ gaze remained steady, and Oxwald felt a terror even his lifelong rival Bernard could never had instilled in him.

“The bell means that orientation draws near!” Jaffles laughed, clapping his hands in delight.  “Betrayus, do not worry yourself with the Big Cup!  Mandy and his friend who looks a lot like a scary ghost and a little bit like a demon will take care of that.  Off we go! Wheeeeee!” Rodney left behind a magical rainbow trail as he rocketed off to the ceremony.

Betrayus Murderdeath flung his cape over his shoulder and began walking towards the exit.  He stopped for a moment as he passed Oxwald Manderlie, not making eye contact.  “I hope you’ve accepted death.”  And then he ran out of the chamber with his arms behind his back like Naruto.


Joshua gave chased the three shadows down the winding corridors of the school. Faint giggles echoed off the hallways as they continued to run much faster than Joshua’s tiny legs could carry him.

“I don’t like this,” said Wilfrit, huffing. “We’re going to be late for the ceremony if we keep chasing these girls. Let’s just forget about it.”

“No!” Joshua shouted. “Not until I get my penny back.”

“Dude, bro, as your official best friend for life, I have to tell you this is a stupid,” Wilfrit said. “I can just spot you tenner if you want. That is literally ten thousand times as much money as you lost.”

“That’s not the point!” Joshua said, tracking the grimy footprints of the girls who robbed him. “That penny was given to me by my dear, late uncle. It’s the only thing I have to remember him by. I won’t be able to live with myself if I let them take it!”

Wilfrit watched as Joshua struggled to push open the door to the next room, his tiny muscles straining to nudge the hinges wide enough to squeeze through the frame. The door snapped open when Wilfrit pressed the wheelchair accessibility button, and Joshua tumbled through face first.

“Whoa!” Wilfrit said, stepping over Joshua. “What the heck is all this stuff?”

Sitting up, Joshua saw that they were at the top of a huge crystalline obstacle course, with giant buzz-saw blades, laser beams, flame throwers, and automated turrets all situated across a long corridor with bottomless pits and precarious skateboard grind rails to traverse. At the very end of this onslaught of navigational challenges was a tower, and at the top of the tower was a locked glass case containing an enormous cup. One might even say it was a Big cup.

“This is just like my favorite video game,” Wilfrit said. “Madden 2013 for the X-box 360.”

There was a scream. They both looked and saw three black-haired girls trapped in a magic force field while a stone slab above them was inching closer to crush them.

“Oh no!” Joshua said. “If I don’t do something, my penny will be squished and ruined! I have to get in there!”

Wilfrit grabbed Joshua by the sleeve. “The hell you are! Do you see all these death traps? You’ll get obliterated!”

Joshua hesitated. The weird squirrel boy was right. Any one of these mechanisms could turn him into into an especially tiny corpse. The smart thing to do would be to turn back, but seeing the big cup reminded him that wasn’t how strong men behaved. He needed to be brave if he ever hoped to have huge muscles. He yanked his arm free from Wilfrit, closed his eyes, and charged headlong into the obstacle course.

After a few moments he opened his eyes. He was surprised to realize that all of the buzz saws and firearm traps were keyed up to kill someone of significantly taller stature. He was able to walk around pretty freely underneath all of it without being at any real danger. It was actually kind of disappointing.

“What are you doing?!” one of the girls said. “Help us!” another said.

“Give me back my penny first!” Joshua demanded.

“There’s a forcefield in the way, you dingus!” The third girl said as they all stooped to avoid being squashed. “We can’t give you anything!” The first girl held the coin out. “You can have it back if you deactivate the trap! The switch is up there!”

They pointed. At the top of a spire rising out of a bottomless pit was a lever. Joshua scrambled as close to the edge as he could, but found the gap far too great for a boy as small as him to leap.

“Hurry, shrimp! We’re gonna die!”

Thinking as hard as he could, Joshua pulled Mischievia the squirrel out of his pants and hurled her across the pit. She landed on the switch and it lowered with a loud thunk. The barrier around the girls dissipated, the crushing slab receded back into the ceiling, confetti sprayed everywhere, and several robot arms distributed freshly whipped milkshakes to all in the room.

“Smooth moves kid,” one of the girls said, and flicked him the penny. “You’ve got makings of a master thief.”

“I’m not a thief!” Joshua shouted. “You are! Why did you steal my penny?!”

“For the thrill,” one said, shrugging. The others nodded. “It’s kind of our thing. Let us introduce ourselves. We’re the Manderlie triplets. I’m April…”

“…I’m May…”

“And I’m Courtney!”

They each struck a pose. The three of them looked the same in their school uniforms, each one more identical than the last. “We’re all students in house Rad Lion, with all the cool brave kids who do all the extreme stunts.”

“Hey, you’re a first year, right?” April said. “You should try and get into our House. That way you can help us steal the Big Cup!”

“We kind of bit off more than we could chew with this one,” May sighed. “But with someone tiny like you on our side, we might be able to get all the way to the tower!”

“I don’t need the helps of villainous scum like you!” Joshua said. “I’m going to get the Big Cup all on my own!”

Courtney scoffed. “Good luck with that, pipsqueek. You see that grind rail over there? The one above the crocodile tank?” She gestured.

Joshua had to admit he’d never seen quite so many crocodiles in one place before.

“You’d have to pull off a pretty sick ollie to clear that jump. Only a member of Rad lion has any hope of getting in there.”

“Josh!” Wilfrit shouted from across the room. “Did you get your dumbass coin?! We’re going to be late for the house naming ceremony!”

“I don’t care how sick a trick I have to pull!” Joshua told the triplets. “I’m not going to let any of you criminals get to the cup first, because it’s got my name on it!”

“Ooo. Big words coming from such a little boy,” April said, cooing. “We look forward to seeing you pull that off. But we’re coming back tomorrow with skateboards, so we’re gonna beat you to it!”

The three girls made their way back toward the exit doors, back-flipping around obstacles, doing parkour and wall running around death traps. Joshua felt really lame strolling back to the exit like normal.


“Scoundrels,” Joshua scoffed, polishing his relinquished penny with his dirty old orphan T-shirt.  “The whole lot of them, just an absolute menace.”

“You don’t care much for thieves, huh?” Wilfrit asked, looking back and forth between two impossibly long corridors, trying to decide which one led to the ceremony.

“I hate thieves!” Joshua yelled, stomping his angry little foot into the stone floor with a sound that could almost be compared to a squeak toy. “Every day, one billion diamonds are stolen somewhere in the world!  Do you know how hard it is to dig up a single one?”

“Well, Josh–”

“It’s very hard!!!”

“…Well, Josh, aren’t you planning on stealing the Big Cup yourself?”  Wilfrit snacked on a pocketful of acorns as a literal skeleton crew (because they were skeletons) hoisted a rope pulley that lifted the platform beneath them.  “Aren’t you kind of… you know, doing a thing that thieves do?”

“I’m just going to borrow it!” Joshua said, folding his arms like an unhappy toddler.  “I just need to drink from it once to see if that can get me big muscles!”

They slid four stories down a rainbow slide and landed in a bed of thorny roses. Ouch.

“Well, your muscles are awfully small,” Wilfrit muttered, attempting to calm his panicked woodland friends.

“Be quiet!” Joshua snapped.

“But they are really, really small!”

“No, hush!” Joshua said again in a harsh whisper.  “Somebody’s talking!”

The two listened and, sure enough, heard a low, oddly-soothing voice chastising somebody nearby.

“…Do you understand what you must do, Ricard?”

“You want me to… steal the Big Cup?” replied a voice that must have belonged to a child around Joshua’s age, quite high and quite pompous.

“Ricard…” the first voice answered.  “This is an extraordinarily simple request.  Yes, I want you to steal the Big Cup.  You don’t have to keep repeating it back to me.”

“You hear that!?” Wilfrit gasped under his breath.  “Someone else wants to steal the Big Cup too!  Maybe we can team up!”

“I do NOT want to steal it!”  Joshua corrected, kicking Wilfrit in the ankle.  “I’ll not associate with anyone who engages in thievery of any sort, do you understand?

“Geez, okay,” Wilfrit said.

“Grrrrrrrrrr,” said the Bengal Tiger that was pounced to strike mere feet behind the two tasty children.

Joshua and Wilfrit looked at each other, blinked twice, and looked behind their shoulders at the member of the largest cat species on the planet. They turned back towards each other, gulped, and broke into a sprint waving their arms in the air while screaming. In their panic, the two rounded the corner and slammed headfirst into Betrayus Murderdeath and a young magic boy.

“What the hell?” Murderdeath yelled, stumbling back as the three children crumpled into a little kid pile.  “What are you two doing here!?  You should be at the ceremony!”

“Tiger!” Joshua gasped, scrambling to his feet. “In the halls, a big, scary tiger!”

Murderdeath rolled his eyes and shook his head.  “Are you stupid?  There are no tigers in the school!  Not a single one!”

“But…” Joshua muttered, turning behind him to see that nothing was chasing them.

“Wait…  You’re first-years, aren’t you?” Murderdeath noticed, putting his palm to his temple.  “You haven’t even been assigned a team yet.”  He pulled the third boy up to his feet by his silvery blonde hair.  To Joshua’s shock, the boy was exactly as small in stature as he was, though he had one key distinction; muscles.  This eleven-year-old boy was cut like a fucking diamond.  “You’re just as dull as Prissleworth here,” Murderdeath growled.  “All three of you, get going to the ceremony this instant!”  He flung his cape dramatically over his shoulder and ran off with his arms behind his back like Naruto.

“I’m Ricard!”  the muscular child announced proudly as he led Joshua and Wilfrit through the labyrinthian passages of Dee Pee Wilks. “Ricard Prissleworth, the smartest student to ever grace this halls!  My father is the richest and most powerful wizard in the world!”

“Okay,” said Joshua.

“I already know which team I’m going to be on,” he said.  “I’m going to be a Snakeothy, just like every great wizard in the history of everything. Think of any famous wizard you know, not a single one of them was on any other team!”

“Toady Adams,” Wilfrit said immediately.  “He was a Rad Lion.  Uh, Julietta Gillensdale, the movie star?  Also Rad Lion. General Snowbell was a Puzzle Pal. Hell, Principal Jaffles was a Funbuncher.  That’s just off the top of my head, so I mean, your claim is objectively false.”

“Yeah, well,” Ricard smiled, at last approaching the door to the Magical Gymnasium.  “I’m much stronger than you are.”

Wilfrit shut up and scratched one of his squirrels behind the ears.  Ricard was correct.  There was no retort.

“Hey, kid,” Ricard hissed to Joshua, hands on the door. “Snakeothy can make you strong, too. Really.”  He eyed Joshua’s tiny physique condescendingly.  “You look like someone in need of… gains.  I can teach you. I can give you an easy-to-follow twelve-week program involving resistance training three days a week, light cardio in between, and, most importantly, a carefully-measured diet focused mainly on lean protein sources taken within a four-to-six hour eating window.”

“Not interested,” Joshua spat back, remembering that Ricard was as much a thieving low-life as Oxwald’s stupid daughters.  “I’m going to get my gains the old-fashioned way, by exploiting forbidden magical powers to achieve my goal instantaneously and with minimal effort.”

“Have it your way, shrimp,” Ricard Prissleworth scoffed, though he seemed a little disappointed.  “Better get used to relying on everyone else to do your work for you!”  He smirked, and paused for an awkward moment.  “Uh, squirrel kid… I can’t reach the handle. “

“Oh, sure,” Wilfrit said, opening the door.

As soon as the three children set foot in the Magical Gymnasium, one thing became immediately apparent to Joshua; they were most definitely late.


The entire gymnasium was staring at Joshua, their eyes wide and desperate.

“There they are!” a nearby kid said.

“Oh thank God!” a teacher shouted from the stage.

“We’ve been waiting for over an hour!”

Their new classmates piled on Joshua, Ricard and Wilfrit, hefting them into the air.

“What is the meaning of this?!” Ricard said. “Unhand me you degenerate paupers!”

The three of them were hurled onto a crude plywood stage in the center of the room.

“Hurry up and get your teams assigned, idiots!” Shouted a rando in the mob.

Sitting up, Joshua saw the old woman with the bulbous eyes who had greeted him on his arrival to the school. “Hello. Why is everyone angry at us?”

“All three of you are extremely late,” she said. “Principal Jaffles has placed an elaborate curse on the gymnasium that prevents anyone from leaving until all registered students are assigned teams. Anyone who tries to sneak out early for supper is fatally electrocuted.”

“It’s all here in the school brochure,” Wilfrit said. He handed Joshua a pamphlet, which had excellent graphic design. “D.P.W. Shelbyville takes its team building exercises way serious.”

“Get on with it!” Various starving students demanded.

The woman cleared her throat. “My name is Professor Bridget Sixowls, and this is like the fourth time I’ve had to explain all this for you lollygagging ingrates. Before our school’s namesake, Douglas P. Wilson, was sentenced to spend eternity inside the Orb of Screams, he expressed that he felt the most important part of any education. He said that intense, bitter competition and rivalry was all that really matters. So we’ve divided all of you up into teams and you earn point for doing school crap. Earn the most points, and your team gets bragging rights and you can redeem the points for school branded merchandise.”

“I want to be on team Rad lions!” Joshua said.

“That’s not how we roll,” Professor Sixowls said. She yanked Joshua by the scruff and slammed a VR helmet onto his head. All at once, Joshua was sucked into an immersive 3D polygonal fantasy realm with full range of motion and photo-realistic centaurs.

“We’ve got you on the overhead projector,” the professor’s voice boomed. “This test is designed to decide which team suits your personality. There’s the lame and harmless Fun Bunchers, the literally evil Snakeothies, the musclehead Rad Lions, or the legitimately good team Puzzle Pals.”

A computer operating system GUI window popped up over the fantasy world, and loaded a quiz website with lots of ads. Joshua had to move various pop ups out of the way to find a list of questions of multiple choice questions, with such selections as:

What do you like doing in your spare time?

A) Being really rad and brave with big muscles.

B) Plotting the demise of those around me.

C) Solving lots of riddles and getting smart.

D) I don’t know, probably being nice or whatever.

Trying not to get preoccupied with how obvious the test was, Joshua was glad the test was transparent enough that he could just pick what he wanted. He tapped the option that he loved being rad, and a the entire fantasy world flashed red.


The option for being nice or whatever turned green and the next page loaded.

“What?! No! That’s not what I picked!”

The next question popped up: What’s your animal?

A) Poisonous, deceitful serpents

B) Massive, powerful lions

C) Something soft, cuddling, and dumb.

D) Solving riddles

Joshua knew the answer he wanted, but every time he slammed a fist into the choice to be cool and rad, the quiz auto-selected the choice for Fun Bunchers. Pounding his arms against the screen, Joshua was horrified as he cycled through dozens of pages choosing the lamest options possible.

Professor Sixowls pulled the VR set off Joshua’s head with a sweaty pop.

“What is even the point of making it a test if I don’t get to pick what I want?!” Joshua said.

“Look kid.” The professor tucked a goofy Fun Buncher ballcap onto Joshua’s head. “I’m not to one lying to himself. The app is magical. It knows when you’re fibbing. Now go sit down with the rest of the rejects.”

Furious, Joshua stomped all the way over to the bleachers under the Fun Buncher banner. Everyone had big goofy grins, and unicorn t-shirts and bad hair. Of course Wilfrit was waiting for him with an empty seat saved. Joshua fell into the seat and brooded over his fate. Across the aisle, he spotted Ricard exchanging high-fives with the snakeothies. Why the fuck did he get the school team he wanted?

“Can we go eat now?” Asked Wilfrit.

“Yes, sure, go,” Professor Sixowls waved them away.

The children sprang to their feet and sprinted towards the exit. The first one there was electrocuted and exploded into a fine spray of ash.

“Oh,” the professor said. “I guess we’re still waiting on someone.”

“That’s right!” The door at the back of the auditorium burst open. Joshua’s jaw fell open as he watched Uncle Horbert stride through the door, wearing a freshly purchased Douglas P. Wilson branded sweatshirt hoodie.